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Posts posted by Blawson

  1. Didn't really respond to any statement I made but ok.


    I'm new here but I look forward to having discussions about what everyone likes and doesn't like. It makes this place interesting. if everyone agreed on the same thing we would have very little to talk about.


    Have a good night



  2. So wait...OP what exactly am I allowed to complain about? Just curious because at first you said you hate people that complain but after you said it's ok for people to complain about certain things.am I allowed to complain about the fact that I've gotten the same exact ordnance drop for the past 24 hours now in every infinity slayer game I've played?


    Not everyone is complaining, most are voicing their opinion which is what the point of a forum is...to engage in intellectual conversations and debates.youre entitled to not like something about the game just as much as I am or anyone else.


    I'm not flaming you. I just think its kinda funny that you're complaining about complaints. Kind of fitting for a yo dawg meme

    • Like 1
  3. After playing a little longer I still got the same ordnances. There was one time I got an incineration cannon. Other then that nothing...


    I don't get it. It's starting to get very frustrating when I get a needler and the other team gets a binary rifle

  4. Hey guys, I've been reading up on this forum for awhile now so I figured I'd finally join. I've been playing halo since CE and since reach came out I stopped playing for about a year. Since then I had a lot of people delete me so I'm looking for new people to play with. I play a lot of slayer pro so if anyone's looking to play a few hit me up


    Gt: PNY xDeceptionx


    Put 343 in the MSG for the friend requests

  5. So are the ordnance drops completely random? Kind of a noob question I know but I've been getting the same ordnance drop all day long and it's starting to annoy me...


    Am I doing something wrong?

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