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Radical Nomad 2

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Posts posted by Radical Nomad 2

  1. I agree there should be either "forge world" or another big map of the sorts so that we can create some serious masterpieces also if there was such a map mabye think about a huge map in space. ;)

    With that huge space map let us fly Seraphs and Sabers on it. Let us make our own space wars.


    The spaces are actually pretty big if you want to build over the lake in erosion, the space on impact or outside the ravine. The problem is, you are stuck using all forge objects. There isn't enough variety of textures/colors/lighting to make 100% forge object maps look that nice. I like to build maps around existing terrain and there really isn't anything good to work with in the existing maps. I would like to see some more flat, grassy areas with clear skies so the maps aren't so dark. I would also like to be able to pick from any of the skin pallets on one map. I would love a rusty looking base on one side, then a cleaner looking base on the other. I would like to use the pipes, bases, etc... on more than one map. This would go a long way in making Forge worth the hours we put into to some of our maps.


    Also, I was so disappointed that the custom game types have been stripped down. Lots of my favorite games, I have no way or re-creating in Halo 4. I realize they are trying to take Halo 4 in their own direction but I hope 343i doesn't forget what made Halo great to begin with. If I wanted to play COD, I would play COD.

    Yes halo 4 is beginning to become more and more like COD

  2. I hope it changes. I miss Safe Havens, it was perfect for making small levels. And the lack of vehicles. Why are there so little choices. Arnt we in the future?

    Also I had this amazing idea I would like to start petitioning for.


    It would be awsome if they gave us a large space map(like impact but set the boundaries back to the asteroid belt rotating the map) then added the Saber and Seraph. A new game type where players can have all out space wars.


    This isn't the right place for this idea but I hope people take it into consideration.

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  3. First off I'd like to thank 343 for a job well done. Halo 4 is a fantastic game period, however I feel there are some improvements that need to be made.



    The thing that bothers me and seemingly a lot of my fellow players is that in the new Flood gametype you cannot change the loadouts and appearance for the flood. I was hoping it would be you could make it more like Infection from Halo 3 and Reach, where we have the ability to change everything about the infected players. I really hope you will update this because it REALLY hurts custom games.


    Another issue is the ability while forging to slow the speed of the objects you move by using RS and LS. This ability was given to us in Reach and it really helped line up objects, but don't get me wrong magnets are fantastic, but they have their limitations.


    Lastly, if a map like Halo 3's Sandbox could be included in future DLC that would be awesome. Impact, Erosion, and Ravine are great for forging, but they all lack a really big natural flat area which I and i'm sure many others enjoy.


    If anyone else can think of anything that was seemingly left out of Halo 4 feel free to post them below and hopefully 343 will update these issues.

    I completely agree with you. Also the lack of flying vehicles. There have been so many in the halo universe yet all we have is the banshee to work with. Falcons, hornets, and even the pelican could be added to forge in future maps, preferably one the size of forge world.

  4. Halo reach had a huge variety of vehicles than Halo 4. All I ask is to bring the Falcon back, and if 343 could, include not just the normal Falcon but the grenadier Falcon and the passenger Falcon.


    It would be awsome if they gave us a large space map(like impact but set the boundaries back to the asteroid belt rotating the map) then added the Saber and Seraph. A new game type where player could have an all out space war.


    Just a crazy idea. But imagine how amazing it would be to fight like that.

    We are space soldiers, flying in space ships like that seem like it would be in the job description.


    What about a huge space map the size of the map you have that dog fight in Tip of the Spear. Then add space station parts for us to play with. Still that whole space fight deal would be amazing.

  5. I just want to make a list of topics that i find bothersome:


    1. Why not remake the reach forge world. The new maps are great but just dont feel the same.


    2. Why did 343 take the falcon and the hornet out of forge. I personaly loved the human flying vehicles.


    3. Why are there count down zones on the forge maps. Isnt a barrier enough?


    4. The roof on all the maps are really low. Ive died countless tiimes trying to fly a Banshee.


    5. Halo reach fine editing was the best tool. I know there are magnets now but they dont always work the way you want the to. Alot of the times you need to get it exact but the object just wont stop moving to fast.


    6. If the pelican is in the campagin why cant we use it in forge. Give us atleast one other flying vehicle.


    7. Where is safe haven? Not many people played it but i used it for alot of my level based maps i made.


    8. Race way was a big part of halo reach, why not include it in halo 4?


    9. Indestructable vehicle settings are gone too. Why?


    10. Why cant we go in water? We're super soldires right? Not cats....


    11. One more thing. Its small but i used it alot. Forced color is gone. Visual effect is cool but i would like to beable to set everyone to a specific color, or even no color, just their own armor settings but still beable to be in teams.


    I know these are just me complaining but im possitive im not the only one who is bothered by them. Please post your own comment on these topics, or any REASONABLE problems you have with forge. I hope 343 takes notice to these things and considers changing them.

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