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Posts posted by XxStickmanxX

  1. I played a game of CTF on abandon earlier today. Unfortunately there were two guys on my team that were afk well, pretending to be I guess..because as I ran past them I was getting shot at from time to time by them. When they both finally did come back they decided to keep rushing the same spot over and over and kept on dying not to mention one of them betrayed me a couple times for weapon pickups. If you're not going to bother being a team player or adapting to a game that requires team play, what's the point of even entering games that require it? The game ended up being 5-2 for the other team as they had gotten 3 quick caps right off the bat while I ended up scoring over 850 points with 51 kills and 15 deaths. I guess I really should have being playing with friends instead of getting matched up with these other guys that ruined the game and had no intention of even taking the game seriously.

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  2. Hey everyone I'm looking for a clan to play with that are mature, friendly, competitive and also about having some fun. I'm mostly on in the evenings and saturday(usally after 5 EST), along with Sunday which is my usual day off. This is where I get to log most of my play time as I work full time and have a newborn baby to tend to :). Message me on here or on xbl, gamertag is XxSticky85xX, thanks in advance!

  3. Hey there everyone! Just looking for some folks to play with as most of my friends either aren't playing halo anymore (or their xbox's for that matter). I'm just looking for casual players to play matchmaking, spartan ops and customs etc a couple times a week. I'm usually on around 5 EST so feel free to add me, my tag is XxSticky85xX. Thanks!!

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