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Posts posted by anakinflytalker

  1. I have only had an account (which is linked to my twitter) for a couple of days now. Sure there's a little trolling but for the most part people are pretty open and avid Halo players. I have a lot of FB friends and a few followers on twitter also but the freedom to update a status and post in a shoutbox anytime makes for easy navigation and I'm just starting to sink my teeth into the forums.


    I am fully aware this isn't an official site and honestly I'm just here for finding people to play with and networking with my fellow gamers around the world. So consider this my HELLO to all and stuff......

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  2. I played BL2 with no knowledge of the back story and felt it did well as a stand alone game. Haven't finished it yet and I'm like 18 hours in. That's my kind of game. Besides Co-Op offline campaigns are making a comeback, the overworld itself is fairly massive, huge variety in weapons, enemies, and ways to approach each encounter. Not trying to gush too much I consider BL2 to be one of my highlights of '12. Good thread. Keep it going.

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