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Posts posted by Mikeybeast

  1. The BIG deal is it actually makes winning and losing important. As it stands right now I could care less if my team wins or loses because either way u are awarded exp. Not to mention I really don't care about exp Not to mention the strive to become a 50. It's not about seeing if I'm better or worse than someone and btw just because someone has a better or worse k/d than you. That is not an accurate way to tell if there better. For example someone could just camp every game in big team battle get easy kills and hide they will have an amazing k/d but if I were to play them one v one who knows what would happen. I personal have a friend who was a sr 130 or w/e in literally like the first 2 weeks all he does is play games and he has a better k/d than me. But his assists are low and I've played him one v one and he just isn't as good as me never beat me not even close. That's what makes the ranking system so important. He would have never reached the highest level in halo 3 and never did;). The point of true skill ranking is to feel accomplished and really test your game and see how good u really are I never have become a 50 in any category I think I could now as I've improved greatly since I used to play and play much smarter. Ugh there's so many reasons its makes u have to use better strategies. Not just go out and shoot and respawn and shoot there was actually tactics it made the game amazing. It sickens me that anyone doesn't want it. The people that always said who cares about rank when halo 3 was out were the people who sucked and could only camp crouched with a shotgun etc. they would say things like" I just like to play social it's more fun " because there wasnt anyone good and they could get kills. I understand money rules all and people want to have the best ranking even when they suck they wanna be a 130 or w/e the best is i dont even know because i dont care im not gonna pour countless hours into pointless games people actually made livings boosting people to 50s i would never want a fake 50 i always wanted to do it myself when I play a game I take it serious i want to win when u play halo now there is no point.


    I hope some part of that rant answered your stupid question. Maybe u just never played halo 3 or are just not a serious gamer. Maybe you would rather appreciate the graphics or maybe how there's little flowers growing in the grass in some places in games lol smh ive been playing games since nintendo and am a very skilled all around gamer and its just a disgrace to all of us true video game fans. When I play a game I strive to be the best even if I know there's thousands better. I want a challenge a reason to play its why I love achievements on Xbox it's why every game needs a hard mode ugh I'm just really upset I don't think ill ever have the video games the way I remember the punishment of games like double dragon 1 megaman 1 halo 3s ranking system was the equivalent of that its like legendary mode but online. But now even legendary seems to easy maybe it's because I'm better but I don't think a game will ever challenge me again I'm just disappointed. Sheep

  2. Yea I was hoping that wasn't the case. As I thought the same. I just went online played 2 games and got bored I just don't get why they refuse to make the fans happy I understand a lot of people like it the way it is but just as many don't like it if not more. Right now even when they implement the new ranking system every game might as well be social. Which is why I don't play it's fun to run around and shoot but I feel like I'm playing for nothing idk. I guess I'm left hoping for halo 2 anniversary and maybe they will re-realase the same multiplayer. Does anyone know if they are going to remake halo 2 the way they did 1 maybe idk if so halo 3 remake will come eventually and it will be the best game of all time unless 343 decides to finally listen and make social and ranked they can even keep there stupid reach type system and incorporate it I just don't get it very disappointed guess spartan ops is the only thing to look forward to in this halo =(

  3. So I went back to playing halo 3 to try to become a 50. Needless to say it didn't happen lol. The main reason playing lone wolves is the only category u can find a ranked game in most of the time and the people still playing can be pretty amazing. I wish I had ranked swat! Which is why I'm wondering when is ranked skill coming I know they said early next year but when. And does anyone know if it will be separate playlists it really should be just do social and ranked and everyone will be happy. I did see a double teams category will be added which is cool and the continuation of spartan ops also cool. But I want ranked and until its there I won't play except spartan ops matchmaking just isn't fun with the pointless leveling up. Idk why it wasn't set in the beginning ranked and social everyone will be happy

  4. If there is not a ranked lvl system put into place. I will stop playing matchmaking. It's that simple everyone will stop playing. It should've been in place to start with. I don't understand what is so hard about a ranked and a social category. The ONLY thing that keeps me playing this game right now is spartan ops. which is an amazing addition to halo. I like alot of what 343 has done but if no actual ranking system is put into place. It will fail I'm actually going to turn it off right now and put in halo 3 to try and get a 50 in a new category


    So I just read what 343 posted about the ranking lvl system to go into place through smart glass and waypoint early next year. Sorry for posting before doing more research but waiting 2 months is a long time. I guess I won't play until January then as spartan ops won't return till then, as I saw last night on the vgas. I really hope it is similar to halo 3 and 2s ranking system if not I guess I'll play spartan ops and wait for the next halo and hope that 343 gets it right. If made correctly (which really isn't hard) I will praise you for making one of the best games of all time. Until that point I will continue to whine about no ranking system that actually matters.

  5. Yea mlg that is a problem but other than that love it. More kills for me. And I've heard a lot of people who play COD complain about that when they try and play halo so I understand completely.


    But we all know why they really complain because COD multiplayer takes no skill so when they play a real shooter they get angry and make reasons up to hate it. Unfortunately if all us halo fans want to continue to see halo games. We're gonna have to deal with some crap.


    But please 343 there is still a fan base a pretty big one don't forget about us. Being a guitar hero master I was consistently let down because they catered to the wrong fan base and ultimately failed. With every gh getting worse after gh3. I hope that's not the case. Halo 4 is good but it could be amazing even better than halo 3. Please listen

  6. Just bring back a lvl system ill be happy.


    Instant respawn is not problem at all ever just more kills for me I like that was incorporated.


    The auto pick-up flag is kinda annoying but not a big deal really just changes the dynamic.


    Weapon system kinda don't like it but w/e I can start with dmr so doesn't really matter what anyone else has. Lol


    I really hope u guys are listening 343 I never commented on any forums anywhere ever until today. But this is really that important to me please lvl system ranked playlists and I will love u forever

  7. I never have commented on a forum in my life but i created a profile just to say this.... You absolutely need to bring back lvl systems. I completely agree with everything single thing he said let me help u with a checklist.

    1. Lvl system needed more than ever let kids play kids and real gamers play real gamers

    2. Waypoint not really important maybe went on twice

    3. Firefight never a fan

    4. Spartan ops = amazing love it btw campaign = amazing also

    5. Leave loadouts might help save the franchise (not the biggest fan but much better than reach)


    P.S haven't played online in 2 days because there is no reason for me to play theres no rewarding feeling going up levels might as well get rid of them but if there was a lvl system I promise u I would be losing sleep and every person I know who has played halo agrees


    P.p.s Not everyone likes C.O.D I personally have played the campaign its enjoyable but no skill to multiplayer. I can't stand the fact that if u see someone first ur 90 no 95% of the time gonna kill them I like that I can turn around fast throw a skill grenade and shoot them in the head and live that's what everyone that likes halo likes about it and if that's not what they like then there not the true fans it takes skill to 4 shot plasma pistol switch head shot that's what make this the best shooter ever I've been consistently let down since halo 3 please 343 u did a lot right and are headed in a beautiful direction I'm excited to see where things go more than ever I just need a lvl ranking system it's really that important.. Please listen to the true halo fans we deserve it

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