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Posts posted by Devoratrix_Animas

  1. Alright so I will try to keep this brief. Im a long time clan leader with many years of experience. I am not looking to take this clan mlg so if that is your interest this isnt the place for you. We are looking for dedicated gamers of all styles, Skill is not a factor here but attitude is. We stay to objective style games and focus towards matchmaking more then anything. We look for people who are good at communicating as well as friendly. We take care of our own and always consider each other to be a family. If you are interested in joining please leave a note here or even message me on here or on live any of these options are more then okay. We are all friendly and interesting people and at times just downright weird. But all are welcome here.


    I should warn there are a few select rules.

    1. Before joining the clan you will be asked to join for a few games of matchmaking to determine your attitude and gameplay style. This will determine on if we bring you in or not.


    2. We dont deal with ragers, If you cant control your temper you shouldnt join. Everyone gets made once in a while, But it shouldnt happen every other game.


    3. We dont support trash talking, teabagging, or spawn camping. However if someone talks down to you or starts something with you, you do have the right to defend yourself. However dont take it too far.


    4. Please keep in mind this is a objective based clan. So objective games will be what is primarily played. (Altho we will play other types of games every so often)


    5. This clan is a family, we take care of each other and look out for each other. Weather its a problem in real life or online we always are here to listen and help each other so please do the same.


    6. All members are required to have atleast the clan leader(s) on their friends list. If you wish to add other members that is your choice and your choice alone.


    7. FInaly the way the ranks work within the clan. It is pretty simple there are 4 ranks. The highest is a Leader these are the ones who take care of all clan issues and requests within the clan. Next is Co-Leader, Co-Leaders work with the leader(s) directly under one or more of them to help take the load of the Leaders of the clan. Then there is Staff members, Staff members are those who have shown good leadership, intelligence, and respect when working with the clan. And finaly members not much explanation is needed here a simple member of the clan. All members have the opportunity to get promoted within the clan though this will take time.


    Anyways I look forward to hearing from people who wish to join, have fun and goodluck in your games.

  2. So im a long time gamer and a long time halo fan. However im not sure what to think about this new halo. Mainly because of one weapon alone, the Boltshot. Now ive heard alot of arguements about it recently and i would love to hear some more input on it. Now in my opinion this gun is a good gun its got its ups and downs. But in my opinion the massive mistake made here is letting players spawn with it. Because for all intensive purposes it is a handheld shotgun. I dont think players should be allowed to spawn with any weapon that has one shot capabilities without suffering some large reprocussion for doing so. On larger maps this gun has little to no impact. However in gametypes like CTF or KOTH or even Slayer this has a masive impact on the gameplay. Aside from a select few maps in these playlists this weapon dominates the gameplay and is abused far to regularly in my personal opinion.


    So keeping this all in mind I would like to hear other peoples point of views and or suggestions on what could be done to remedy this issue. Or even if you think its fine how it is. But please do provide atleast some reasoning behind why you think it should say why it should change or why it shouldnt.


    Have fun I look forward to seeing your point of views on this.

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