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Posts posted by alqhakill155

  1. So before I start this little rant I want everyone to know this is my personal opinion about this topic. Thanks.



    So I have played halo forever, since combat evolved and I have to say I am quite disappointed with halo 4. I loved the campaign and the new direction they are going with master chief but the matchmaking is honestly horrid. For one 343 literally copied COD in most ways.


    1. Ordinance drops (like care packages). I find ordinance drops really annoying. It ruins the game in a way because it makes it unbalanced and annoying and takes away from fighting over weapons and trying to run to pick up a good weapon. Even though weapon spawns take FOREVER now. I am glad they didn't put this in every game type.


    2. Killcam. Really a killcam? I don't see the point of a killcam. Usually you know who is shooting at you since a lot of the times its one on one shooting and I usually don't even look at them anyways.


    3. quick respawn or press x to respawn. For me I think this is the biggest thing that takes away from the old halo ways. In previous halos it was more competitive with other teams (tea bagging, etc). Yes it does get annoying once in awhile but I find myself sort of missing this aspect in halo 4. The revenge if you will, to go after a certain player and kill them for tea bagging you and getting them back. Tea bagging was really a huge aspect in the halo games if you think about it...Thats the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of halo.


    4. No friendly fire? I have to say I am disappointed in the no friendly fire (and no im not an ass who goes around killing my own players) I just think again it had a lot to do with the whole halo community. The friendly fire, the booting, and the tea bagging were just things in halo that made it a fun and different experience from other games. It made it funny and even annoying at times. It wasn't always the same thing over and over again. You would never know who you would get paired with that would be that ass team killer or that player who tea bags every kill they get.


    5. Finally the infection game list or the flood. I can honestly say the flood game type sucks. I hate it. Won't even play it. What I liked about reach was that 1. the humans had the upper hand on the zombies which is how it should be. Now the zombies are equally strong and take a clip with a pistol to kill them. Annoying. I also miss the team aspect of living dead. Whether it was all the humans sitting in a house on uncaged or by the gravity lift, its what made it fun to live and get kill streaks and tons of kills. Now its just annoying.


    6. The medals. What is with the medals. I swear I get one kill and I get a million medals and I don't even know what half of them mean. Even If I get a double kill I can barely see the medal. I really wish they would of made more of an importance on medals instead of trying to think of a term for every type of kill you get (example: snapshot for a no score, hail mary for a random grenade throw, etc). I really enjoyed earning medals in previous games and actually know what they mean..


    So, to end this little rant I can honestly say I really miss the old community of the halo games. The funny betrayals, the tea bagging, etc. I miss the things that made halo well halo. Now I feel like its just another shooting game like call of duty where its all seriousness. I could go on and on why its not the same but I don't feel that is needed. I wish 343 would of incorporated more of the old halo ways rather than go based off of mostly COD. Im also not saying everything I said is perfect. I know different game types have different rules in regards of ordinance drops, weapons,etc. But when I played this is what I mostly saw.

  2. Although the dmr seems over powered I still always use the br.. I miss it from halo 3 so Im really glad to see it back. I really dont have an issue using it even against people using the dmr.

  3. So I saw that 343 finally added team snipers which is awesome because thats my favorite playlist but theres only one thing wrong with it....NO radars please. Thats the point of sniping right? Trying to be sneaky and all that well its kinda hard with radars. I believe every previous sniping playlist didn't have radars and it would be cool to see that in halo 4.

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