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Posts posted by Hamstamammy747

  1. Before I beat Halo 4, on legendary with brother, I noticed two details, one in the gameplay, the other in the ending scenes, both at the ending.

    So, how does a Brute Gravity hammer appear on Reqiuem and in the forerunner armory if brutes did not go with the Storm faction? Also, a much less obvious detail exist when Lasky tells John about how he never visited Earth and had learned military subjects at Corbulo Academy. Did Lasky recognize John from his teenage years? He does not specifically mention how John saved him in Forward Unto Dawn and also presents his history casually, though both John and Lasky know that the invasion resulted in many human deaths including Chyler. I would like to believe that the latter detail follows canon but just seems to neglect prior events. The game still has details that I have not completely understood, almost like some weird dream when I consider the different style of this new trilogy. If you have valid reasons for these questions, I hope that you do not present them uncomfortably. I still have clouded perception of Halo 4.


    I realize that these examples have minor consequences, considering that Halo writers have great creative minds, but I think that we all could find strong interest in strengthening or weakening our feelings of a new complex story by searching for possible story defects or fantastic originality.

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