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Recon Invision

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Posts posted by Recon Invision

  1. And not only that. If you accept the cap/ban and just decide to keep playing because you like the game, the challenges won't give you xp.

    Yesterday I hit the Xp Cap within 2-3 hours after 00:00 (reset), and within the other 22-21 hours of the day, I completed the monthly challenge (winner takes everything) which should have given me 17K xp. But NO! YOU WILL NOT GET THAT!!!


    So if the Xp cap should stay, they should atleast let us get xp rewards from challenges after we hit the xp cap.. Coz else we're not going to play their game.

  2. Since I'm only at level 45 at the moment, I would rather see the challenge bug fixed. I've got time before I hit the cap.


    EDIT: Wait, if this poll was supposed to be an "either or" question, why are the answers yes and no?


    There's no comma there, so it's not an either, or question, but just a long sentence.


    Oh well. Just lost the monthly challenge reward (117 games = 17k xp).. 343i should fix this.

  3. Agreed with all of your complaints.

    Here's a couple more:


    - Fix the Covenants in Spartan Ops Ep. 3.

    (Some of the Elites and Brutes dissapear, and their gun floats on the ground, shooting at you. The only way to kill them is to shoot at the guns, which is stupid).


    - Remove or extend XP Cap

    (If you choose to extend Xp Cap instead of removing it, please seperate the Game Xp and Challenge Xp. Coz' if a player chooses to keep playing after Xp Cap is reached, and he/she completes a challenge, he/she won't get the Xp. Silly..)


    - Find a way to deal with Regicide boosters

    (People are signing in with guests to play in Regicide, so they can boost for commendations. A suggest to fix this would be to remove "Guests" compability with the gametype.)


    - Replace Regicide with regular FFA (such as Lone Wolfes/Rumble Pit from H3), or add FFA as a new playlist

    (Getting high killstreaks and killfeeds in FFA is always fun, but when you're close to winning and everyone is focused on killing you coz' you got the "king" icon above your head, it takes the fun out of it. Yes, you have to play more strategicly, but if the 2nd player is close to you and kills you for the +35 bonus points, it sucks.)

    • Like 1
  4. it doesnt seem quite fair to complain about not having specializations when you were aware they came in the LE but chose not to buy it.


    Not everyone can afford the LE edition. Not saying that I can't, but there's many out there who couldn't before the release.

    It would be fair if the LE players got them, but also regular players after reaching different SRs. I hope the new Specialization update doesn't only contain a few more

  5. From Friday (yesterday) until this morning (Saturday), I was playing with some friends. In Campaign mode, War Games and Spartan Ops. I started late yesterday, so I had no issues with the XP Cap until 11:30 PM or something like that. So I just wated for it to reset at 00:00. When it was resetted, I kept playing like before.

    Already at 2:00-2:30 AM this night I reached the XP Cap again (I believe it's around 75K Xp).

    Well, it's alright I guess. I'm not only playing for Xp, although it's nice to see progression except for kills and deaths.


    But then I noticed. I kept completing random challenges (different tiers), but after the matches was finished, there was no progression in my XP.


    This is ridiculous 343i!

    It's one thing to remove our ability to gain XP after a certain amount of playtime (75K +/- XP), but not letting us obtain the XP from Challenge Rewards... (facepalm :banghead:)


    I've completed alot of tier 3-4 challenges which would normally give me from 750xp to 2500xp per challenge, but I haven't gotten them. This also happened to me some days ago, but I just thought you'd get the XP Rewards afterwards, but no...


    Now I'm 2 games from the Weekly Challenge (117 War Games Completed). Knowing that I won't obtain the 17K XP from completing that Challenge makes me not want to play. 17K XP = 30 minutes of Spartan Ops (with a average team), or an hour with War Games.


    Seriously, think about it. Maybe fix it in the next Patch update?


    - Recon

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTmtwFg9GzY Change your game clock to Tokyo time. That will trick the servers into ending your XP cap. The video will show you how. And this is rdiculous. 343 did this to prevent Boosting. The cons of this cap far outweigh the pros. The only two groups of boosters that I joined mid-game were on regicide, boosting for commendations. Not XP. So it doesn't even effectively stop boosting.


    Not to mention the loophole that I just stated above.


    343, I hope somehow one of you ends up seeing this: You're lazy. Less than 5 percent of Halo 4 players boost. You're punishing us ALL because of this. Either remove the cap that doesn't even work effectively and figure out another way, or realize that people will boost no matter what.


    And who cares if people boost? It just means that they suck so hard that they need to boost instead of actually pay for XP. If I didn't find this loophole, I would have thrown my Halo in the garbage.


    To bad they patched this.

    343 Industries, please extend the XP Cap or remove it!

    So far I've played for 10 hours, and I haven't seen any boosters. Only the oddball glitchers at Complex and Haven. Fix that too please!

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