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Posts posted by faital3rror

  1. I understand the join in progress, it absolutely sucks when someone is betraying you and the only reason you don't want to kick them is because you don't want to be down a player, also it is nice when your whole team quits and you simply need to wait until players are added. The part I do not like it getting joined in halfway/ or almost at the end of the match. I think a good compromise would be if the game score is greater than 25% done, then no new players can be added or something along those lines. I say this because it is extremely nice to have player join in at the beginning when your teammates quit.


    The other issue is objective games starting with uneven teams, it is useless to play odd ball when the teams are 3 vs 5, with evenly matched players the team with 3 has no chance. I would rather sit in a lobby than get into a game that I am outnumbered right away.

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  2. I really am satisfied with Halo 4, However, it needs some updates to patch the flaws..


    The game overall is great, but it lacks playlists in Matchmaking!

    I know Swat Game mode was just added ,and Snipers will be here sometime next week.., but they are removing swat from the playlists! WTH?


    Another thing that needs to be fixed is that not all maps are playable on every playlists!


    Im not saying that the Largest maps need to be on Regicide, but maps like Valhalla/ Ragnarok need to be accessable on Infinity slayer


    That is not it..

    Custom Games seems to lack things as well..


    Remember the awesome games like Ghost Busters?


    Well that game is non-creatable in H4 :( This is because the Flood can not pick up weapons..( I know that the settings in flood or other game modes has caused a majority of great game modes to dissapear.. but i can't think of any other examples..)


    The Custom Games settings are unnaceptable! They prevent the creation of awesome classics!

    If they don't fix War games playlists and Custom Games, i know a lot of people will stop playing the game.


    Also ..I wish Invasion would Return!


    My question is how do i bring this to 343i's attention?


    Feel free to post what you think needs to be fixed!


    I 100% disagree Ragnarok belongs in BTB. I see no reason why such a large maps needs to be available in Infinity slayer. BTB should contain the large maps and normal infinity slayer should contain the smaller maps. Just my opinion.

  3. The Pit,Narrows,Guardian,Construct,Lockout,Midship and some of the MLG Custom maps from Halo 3 need to come back.


    An Ultimate Map pack would be great but I think after a while the gimmick of having every map would wear off.We need to learn callouts for every map in the game already so until the game is established remakes should be on the back burner. I would love 343 if they made more remakes as Ragnarok is pure excellence.


    For some more DLC I guess the option to have firefight would be great, I mean it was a very fun game mode.


    Spartan Ops proves that 343 will give us great content and free to boot. Spartan Ops really keeps the game fresh for me when I want to warm my aim up before multiplayer.


    Elites in Multiplayer would annoy me tbh.I think 343 have made a great game that doesn't need the Elites.However if they were restricted to certain gametypes like they were in Reach(mainly invasion and BTB) then I think that's a great idea. But I do not want it across the board and re-live the days of trying to get my 50 and the other team were all Elites I could barely 4 shot.


    Agreed, I would not expect all of those classic maps to come back, but if at least one of those maps were to be remade and added to the map pool I would be happy. I however do not like remakes of those large maps (Hemerrage, and Valhalla) although I imagine fans of BTB would/do enjoy them. If I had to choose just a single map it would be guardian, but since I do see that guardian might not lend itself very well to sprint/armor abilities I think construct would fit into halo 4 nicely with minimal changes (Heck I want them both :P).


    Any DLC that would contain any of these maps I know would be very popular, I don't think you could find many halo fans that wouldn't want to play The Pit, or Lockout in halo 4. I don't think I could say the same for any of the remake in H4 so far, or even in Reach.

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