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Posts posted by QMaster5645

  1. My tactic is to clear out the surrounding area of the base and then get a base quite far away as a backup base.

    Also i try to control all of the garrisonable structures to have a lot of bonuses.

    I assemble one main army made up of heavy armor, warthogs and infantry.

    Before I send the main army to an enemy base, i make a small branch of infantry and a warthog.

    I send a group of scouts (hornets or warthogs) to the enemy base and while theyre there i transport my small branch of infantry and warthog

    there to soften them up while the big group travels there.


    Rinse and repeat for other bases!

  2. How about:

    Firefight on forge maps uve built

    adding natural objects other than rocks: trees, ponds etc.

    elephants as spawnable vehicles

    more building templates like room 2 and room 3


    I am a bit annoyed that Halo 4 doesn't have a massive Forge World like in Reach because that was a really good place where there was enough space to build anything you wanted. I think that ravine is a bit like Forge World but much smaller. Also i would really have liked to have been able to have spawned Mammoths .

    The ideas about changing the weather and biome and stuff is good too.

    Oh well, maybe Halo 5...

  3. ok, i've been thinking and:


    mongoose: no guy, AR guy, Rocket Guy

    warthog: front bumper (better ram), LAAG, gauss, rocket, rocket passenger

    falcon: front turret, side MGs, side grende launchers, transport less troops than pelican

    covenant leader powers are changed to be like UNSC powers: spirit transport, glassing airstrike etc.

    play as the neutrals

    new neutral: promethian - knights, crawlers, watchers

    change the UNSC anti infantry from flamers to snipers

    swap cyclops for mantis

    add in mammoth that does the same as the elephant but spawns warthogs/mantis' instead

    more of the single building pads

    add upgrade buildings: infantry- training centre, vehicles (air and land) -garage or repair shop


    whadaya think, eh?

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