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Posts posted by Trude174

  1. You guys at 343 havent really showed us anything from halo 4 but the fans are dying too see something just show us a minute of gameplay fotage!! please!!



    They probably won't show gameplay any time soon because they're currently finishing up Halo CEA then after they might release trailers for Halo 4 but not gameplay....we will probably get to see gameplay in 5 to 6 months the least

  2. I agree with you 100% I hope they go back to the original MM for Halo 4.....I wasn't a big fan of Reach's MM


    The assassination animation was a cool idea & all but sometimes it took to long...


    & I did not! like armor abilities honestly.....I hope they go back to just regular power up's

    like Bubble Shield, Power Drain, Grav Lift, etc.

    • Like 1
  3. There HAS to be a beta. There's no other halo games after Anniversary besides Halo 4. So it HAS to be in HALO: CEA.


    Only if it's going to be like the Battlefield & Crysis beta where you download it from the main page. :D

  4. There have been enough rumors of a Beta and members want to talk about it. This post will stay open and allow thought on the subject.


    Sorry I read it wrong....it said there MAY be a beta....not there will be... so who knows...but they already said if there was going to be a beta for Halo 4 that it wouldn't come with Halo CEA

  5. Wealth, because if I have wealth I can buy Microsoft and get Halo 4 early... and by buying Microsoft I will be famous :)


    WYR Have a slice of Humble Pie or eat a moldy piece of chocolate cake?



    Humble Pie


    WYR Be pro at Halo but always have bad team members or Suck at Halo but always have the best team members

  6. Machinima.com is partnering up with Gamer's Outreach and The Haitian Project for a 24 hr live-streaming event featuring many different youtubers/commentators. The goal is to raise funds for charity, and help show that gamer's can use their passion for their hobby as a way to help others.


    Tune in to


    http://www.machinimalive.com on Nov. 3rd 6PM PST (Pacific Standard TIme) to show your support!


    Gamer's Outreach - (A non-profit organization who's goal is to raise funds for charities through gaming) http://www.gamersoutreach.org


    The Haitian Project - (An initiative gathering several well known youtubers that will lead an expedition to bring much needed food, supplies, well drilling equipment, and other necessities to an area of Haiti that desperately needs it).




    Thanks for viewing this I just want to get it out there. :)

  7. I agree, There should be a way to find out how long we have had accounts and been playing the games. I would freely offer all of my account and pertinent information to verify them to get an early shot at the Beta, if one is to be made available. I have invested over two thousand dollars since the beginning in XBOXes, MS accounts and Halo game purchases. I would love an early crack at it myself.


    Yep! :)

  8. I think this year they should give the beta to the true Halo players that have stuck by for along time


    Well what I actually mean is....


    All the Machinima directors got the beta super early, before the beta was even open & I don't think they should do that because most of the directors played it for like what? 2 days at the most? then went back to call of duty or whatever


    .I'm not hating on the Machinima team because I like them & all but just didn't like how they got it early & the people who have been here since Halo 1 or 2 couldn't get it, I just think we should get it early before them


    I hope everyone knows what I mean y'know? :)


    Ok that's it! Peace! :D

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