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Uriel X

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Posts posted by Uriel X

  1. I don't think Halo is anywhere even close to CoD. To me CoD is like an arcade game, except you don't really have to even think. I just couldn't ever get into it, but to each their own!


    Even with slayer there's substantial use of tactics (if you play as a team that is). BTB is a completely different game when you have vehicles, as opposed to when they're wrecking your team. In nearly any gametype using a pincer attack or flanking the enemy is typically pretty devestating.


    As far as loadouts go, I feel it's mostly for playstyle customization. I feel like each has it's benefits and drawbacks, but none are clearly superior over the others. I use different loadouts depending on the map and gametype, and I feel they all have a use.


    Ordinance isn't quite like the killstreaks either. You can get something decent that CAN help, but it's not 100%. You can get killed immediately and lose it, have it stolen,etc. CoD calls in AI to give you more free kills, last I checked there's nothing like that in halo.

  2. Both hard light shield and thruster pack are almost pointless to use har light with not shield generation and thruster with a very short distance(i wish it could be like in campaign that it has like increase the speed before use the ability not slow it down after the push thing..if anyone understand.. )


    It depends on how you use them, I've used both with quite a bit of success. However I use them for last minute getting into cover. So it really depends on your playstyle. Neither is going to help you run out in the middle and be Rambo.


    I generally don't keep them on my loadouts right now. I basically tailored all of my loadouts for specific gametypes and to compliment what my friends use.

  3. Skit, I seem to be put on team stupid a lot too.


    Generally we get a full group going in the evenings, but I play off hours sometimes by myself. It can be pretty bad, usually if I'm on a team that's absolutely terrible I'll back out and rejoin to try and get a new group.


    Also I think they should rename big team, to bigteam Ragnarok/Exile. I like the maps and all, but not EVERY single game. Seems to be all randoms vote for.

  4. I've been wondering this myself.


    As far as the covies go I have quite a few of the high ranking ones getting through, but my grunt infantry (or whatever is the lowest) is barely 1/5.


    I've really only done heroic/legendary, but it seems that a lot of the mob types are pretty rare even then. I don't have a ton of crawler snipers, or battlewagons either.

  5. I'd rather see an XP loss or something of that nature over a 10 minute ban. If we get absolutely beasted on we at least finish out the game and go find another game after the game ends. We usually only quit when we spend more time looking at the scoreboard then playing, and you really shouldn't be penalized too much for that.

  6. Generally I play whatever we have the numbers for. Last night that was mostly BTB, but it seemed god awfully worse then any other night.


    Isn't the host supposed to be the person with the best connection? It seems like last night I kept getting put in games where the host was on 28.8 in Siberia.


    It was more annoying then anything else. Only had 1 game that was totally unplayable, and we managed to quit between scoreboard screens (that were happening every 10 seconds or so).

  7. I definitely agree with most of what you said, great review!


    I'm not sure any of us are totally sure about the skill system yet. Hopefully it's a by playlist type, with an overall average (closer to 3, I hated reach MP). In any case I seem to get stuck on team stupid more often then not...


    Flag is in the middle of the field on Ragnarok, warthog driver: "I'm just gonna do doughnuts behind the base, it's awesome!".

  8. I hadn't really run into too many people using this until last night. I definitely don't think it should be a 1 shot weapon, perhaps putting it on par with the plasma pistol (like charged will drop shields but not 1 shot).


    It's especially cheesy on small CTF maps, when you have 3+ people on their team using it. Having to deal with defenders with a shotgun is 1 thing, but having multiple people with a shotgun-esque weapon is a little out of whack.

  9. First post here, no i'm not a troll.

    Regicide as a game type is fine, I would have preferred if you included classic FFA as well though, but continually giving us challenges based off of regicides, granted not today's daily, is ridiculous.

    To get 18 regicides in a match, which is only technically possible, you have to play regicide badly. Why would you make a weekly challenge that encourages players to play badly?




    On a side note, having a feed at the top of the page constantly refreshing while I am trying to create a thread is both annoying and unnecessary.


    Thanks for reading.


    Yes "technically possible" if you don't ever kill anyone besides the king, you're the only one ever killing the king, the king never goes above the minimum bounty, and after all that you manage to not overtake the king. I'm for difficult challenges, but this one is practically impossible (at least with the 300 score to win).


    My challenge the other day bugged somehow. It gave me credit for this, and I thought perhaps you got credit for getting kills while the king. As of last night it was back to being fixed.

  10. The only thing unbalanced about the map is only 1 laser spawning. Outside of that, it is 100% symmetrical. Should be 2 lasers spawning or none.


    There was always a single laser spawn, and it's to encourage control of the middle. This is more or less irrelevant due to ordinance making it absurdly easy to obtain power weapons.


    The only thing I think needs rebalanced is the number of vehicles for the smaller gametypes. CTF you literally have more vehicles then players.


    I've liked the map and all of it's previous incarnations. My favorite H3 map by far was Avalance though!

  11. Honestly the things I'd like to see most:

    Reduced head hitboxes. It's absurd when you get headshots that completely miss.

    Vehicles not so flimsy. With as easy as it is to get power weapons with ordinance, I don't see buffing vehicles a little bit as a problem.


    I'm still up in the air about the DMR too. I've used both the DMR and BR pretty substantially in MP and they seem to have their roles. I feel the BR is superior at short/mid range against a DMR.

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