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Daniel Alexander Bouwman

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Posts posted by Daniel Alexander Bouwman

  1. I really want this XP Cap gone.


    Its crap...its flawed, I played 5 matches and got roughly 10,000 XP and the game tells me Im capped out??? I just got home from a weekend away and this is the crap I run into!


    So I wanted to play with friends so I continued thinking hell its 9:30.....midnight is a new day.


    Well during the few hours I played with my friends I managed to unlock several challenges 7 or 8 I think.


    One of which was worth 4000 XP and I was pissed cause I wasnt getting any XP including my challenge XP.

    BUT my buddy told me dont worry when you account goes active again, you'll get all the challenge XP cause it stacks up and waits. Well as soon as I started earning XP again online after midnight, I didnt see any XP come my way from those challenges.


    So i got royally bend over and screwed in the hoop by 343!! out of I figure...6000-8000 XP


    Im confused??? Your capped out? What is your SR rating? Where does it cap out at???

  2. As you may have heard, the CSR (Competitive Skill Ranking) System is set to drop early 2013. But 343 is undecided about weather or not to give you a fresh start and start at skill level 1, or put skill ranks in based on what you already have done. 343 says they are tracking your skill rank right now, but just haven't implemented the skill system in yet so you can't see it.


    Personally, I think keeping the skill ranks instead of resetting it is a terrible idea. First off we don't know what playlists are competitive and which are social. Next, all playlists have Join in Progress. If the Skill system if based off if you win or lose (which it better be) than having people joining and quiting your match could completely mess up your skill rank. And last of all, the game is defiantly not developed enough to start tracking skill. As the game stands now, there are many problems that could interfere with your wins and loses.


    None of this would really matter, except your skill can get very hard to change if you get incosietant with your wins and loses. Let's say you win a few here, the lose a few there, and overall are just unpredictable winning/losing games. If that has happened then the skill rank can seem to be really hard to move up or down in either direction. A more explained look at the system can be found here: http://www.bungie.ne...postid=14414600

    In short, it basically states that inconsistansy = slow rank movement up and down, and vise versa. And since I'm sure most off you had been playing with randoms you probably have already been very inconsistent, and a fresh start would be a much better option for you in that. I'm not for sure saying that's how the CSR system will work, but they are sticking to something very similiar to the old trueskill system.


    Other concearns I have that we should tell 343 to do is tell them that they shouldn't make your skill rank only visible on Halo Waypoint, which is currently what they plan on doing. They should also keep it win/lose based and not personal stat based system. This is because Halo is a very team based game, and personal stats can't detect your callouts, teamwork, etc.


    I made this thread so we can make sure 343 makes a great system, because honestly the fate of the Halo series depends on it.


    Well I agree with you. I noticed a player SR rating was at 51????? i was confused as I thought SR 50 was the highest, is this a glitch? If not then what is the highest SR rating available? I hope they sort this out. And I wish the ranking system was identical to Halo 3!!

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