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Posts posted by SSFrog

  1. What I meant by consistent, is that there's no variety in BTB, its just one slayer match after another, lack of objective matches (seriously, what the hell), and lack of creativity. They're consistently bland.

    And now this "pro" crap comes along.


    Maybe, just maybe the pro playlist didn't do too well cause nobody wanted to play it, so why litter it all over the other playlists now?

  2. I get killed by AR's all the time, they seem to be quicker at killing me then me them with a DMR!

    Also, its **** when the enemy shoots like 4-5 AR bullets at me and melee's me to death, meanwhile it take like 3/4+ shots then a melee to kill them, you're on the bad side.

  3. GET RID OF PRO! Now the only consistent playlist is littered with this junk "pro" stuff. 




    Why do these playlists have to be so crappy compared to Reach?!


    Seriously, everytime there's a chance the game gets worse.

  4. My fav is Ragnarok (is that in itself pathetic?), Haven is pretty sweet (I did notice they changed some of the lower hallways with an update a little bit not too long after the game was released), exile is all right.

    Every other map is just "meh".

    They all look the same really, and its even worse when they give you such an abstract view of what each map is when you're selecting a choice. Like wtf, I'd rather see a wide clean shot of the map I'm about to play on.

    Halo 4 has horrible maps. I didn't even bother with dlc as I already suspected as much, read the reviews, and watched the trailers.

  5. Is it just me or has the spawning become even worse?

    The new forge playlist spawnings take forever.

    The spawning locations on regular maps suck, I'm either super-far from the action, I'll spawn in the same spot like 5 times in a row (lack of variety?), or it'll spawn me with my teammates beside me, which is great if the other team has a rocket launcher.

    The game should never spawn you two times in a row in the same spot, its just so annoying.

  6. having the games last longer will probably not yield many positive effects for the community. the games would be far too long, so they will eventually become dull and feel extremely repetitive to most players. Imagine having to play on the same map 3 games in row, each for 20 minutes. Would that not bore anyone to tears at that point??


    Also, these games will allow players to boost for challenges in a nearly endless game, and then they will just quit after they complete their objectives. 343i has stated how they want to speed up gameplay in general, and doing this would only contradict their statements


    Great, so those of use who couldn't give a flying.. flock, have to suffer for those who abuse the system (to what merit?)

    I do recall Halo 2 being pretty awesome for the extended matches.


    343 caters to every other category like  "classic"  and "swat" and "snipers", yet we can't get a decent long-battle game? Fine, don't count the XP or whatever. Just make a god damn playlist for people who don't care about anything except having a fun length match.

  7. 343i seems to be catering to the wrong demographics. Why not just provide  single playlist for people who have hours on end? Or people who do not want to constantly be waiting for new people and new matches to be set-up?

    Regular people stick to the 7-9 minute BTB matches, meanwhile there should be another playlist for people who want to play wacked-out fun BTB matches and can play a single match that can last 15-20 minutes.


    If you're argument is that you want to play more matches, then why not play 15 games 2 minutes each instead?


    That said, the whole matchmaking system pales in comparison to Reach. Bring in Spire damn it!

  8. its true that these matches are short. but i love them since its helping me level up quicker. plus these short matches make it "fast paced"

    I don't know if I'd consider them "fast paced", I would consider them "rushed".


    I personally don't care about leveling up, its a pointless process. Why not cater to the people who like to sit down and play a single match for 20 minutes? I hardly think these playlists were designed for people with only 5 minutes at a time...

  9. Ridiculous how its basically better then any vehicle.


    More ridiculous that you can choose to spawn WITH one.


    Why not just disable a vehicle's ability to move, why not allow the weapons mechanisms to continue to function?


    It used to be a coordinated effort to take down a vehicle, now its "ok everyone, just run out there and spam it with PP shots". Wow, that really produces tense moments when you know one of your 4 teammates finally managed to hit the Mantis, and now its completely powerless. It sucks getting hit by those PP shots when in a vehicle, and you know the person is going to keep spamming you until they're in you're vehicle. On the odd blue moon that I so happen to have a PP and hit a vehicle with a PP blast, I have this empty feeling of "it shouldn't be this easy..."


    The game is broken with major holes like this.


    It's not rewarding for anyone.


    Argue all you want, but being able to spawn with a plasma pistol and disable any vehicle basically destroys and vehicle-based map. Fact.

    • Like 1
  10. I swear to God, every time I play it match, it lasts about 5 minutes, with the exception of BTB, which may last about 7 minutes.

    I don't recall any of the Halo game being this short, by the time you actually get settled in, bam "Game over". Can we double the length of these matches? I would rather play fewer LONGER matches, then spend twice as long searching for a new match.


    Its just pathetic how short these matches are.

  11. Big team battles are too short, by the time you get into it, it's over. It should up to 2000....points, not kills?

    It feels like all the other gametypes are also too short as well, game cuts to quick :/ Boring.

    Bring in some new CREATIVE playlists please.

  12. The whole deal with the Mantis being TOTALLY disables is BS. At least leave the guns functional, it doesn't help that it takes like half a ***ing minute to get in/out of the damn thing.


    Dropped weapons disappearing. Why so quick? Why not just have it set so a weapon does not disappear if no-one has picked it up in over 60 seconds? Why would that be such a big deal? It's stupid how needlessly fast they go away.


    Backing out of a game search in progress will select the next lower gametype selection, every-time. I know this is a bug, it should stay on the same gametype you choose until you choose another, not go one below everytime you back-out to pause a search.


    Also, the music during the main menu and when searching is annoooooying as hell, I don't want to turn my volume up/down every search. In addition, its annoying when you're in guilty spark mode in Forge. God those frequencies just make go insane.


    Edit: Lastly, why can't you drop the flag when you're holding it? At least I haven't found a way to yet. Many times I'll automatically pick it up when I'm trying to throw a grenade or a big gun and "Oh, I'm ***ed".

    • Like 1
  13. This whole mountain dew and doritoes thing is demeaning Halo.


    Final Sentence and Fleshback said it, its like giving a black belt to a random person on the street. They are now "awesome". But look at their actual skills and they fall flat.

  14. I think players should be rewarded however they play as long as they play well.


    That's the reason they removed King of the Hill playlist. Because players would just sit on a ledge nearby the hill and scope out kills rather then trying to get points in order to win the game. To me, that's not playing the game "well", might as well start betraying your teammates and call it "strategic planning".


    So what did 343 do? They removed KotH because they couldn't be bothered to fix it. But hey, at least the non-proper-playing players got their kills to add to their score/KD/whatever the f*ck matters to them while the gametype was still around.

  15. There needs to be 1bomb and 1Flag, YES.

    The playlists right now are actually offensive. "Here's a regular match for you, we tried to regulate it so it doesn't seem too fun in any direction, but its still regulated enough so you won't feel too different from any other playlist."


    Where's big team heavy? Team snipers? 1Bomb/Flag? And just more crazy/fun gametypes rather then this typical BS boring crap.

  16. I hope they add some more in future content releases. It's just a little disappointing, with all the combinations of armor pieces, colors, and emblems a player can choose to customize their Spartan with, the only stances I see people use is Assassin and Last Stand. Assassin Last Stand. Last Stand Assassin. Recruit. Last Stand Assassin. Including myself.


    You have some people rockin' Assault and maybe a weapon mastery stance, but those numbers are minuscule reatively.


    I mean, I'd like to see a stance where a Spartan is Dual wielding some weapons (even though you can't) or holding a grenade. I'm sure it couldn't be that far a stretch of the imagination to think more may be released within the near future.


    What are the point of stances?

    Do they help you in the gameplay? Do they make the game fun?

    I ask simply because I don't understand the point of armor customization, specializations, "stances", etc...

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