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Posts posted by SAx GoMeZ

  1. i wnated to know if anyone knows if they will let you buy specialization on the marketplace as my mate bought the H4 xbox and didnt get a code with it and since he lives in the uk he wont be getting a msg giving one of 343 if anyone knows send me a msg on this or on xbox my gt SAx GoMeZ .........thanks :)

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  2. i just wanted to know if anyone else dosnt like the idea that you cant pick up br, dmr, ar etc ammo around the map.

    i know this may not seem like a problem since you pick it up of dead bodies but when you are on a steak or going for a perfection and your running low on ammo and dont really want to run into the middle of the map to try get ammo for whatever gun you may have its a big problem for me and some mates and wanted to know if anyone has the same problem at all.

  3. why is there an exp limit in h4. I finally got my 117 win for the monthly challenge but when the game finished it said i reached my limit and didnt get any of the 17343 exp from the challenge and i find it pointless for it to be in the game.

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