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Posts posted by xKillerxGizmox


    I am just going to take a stab in the dark here and try stereotype the people whinging. Most likely people with negative k/d's that play mainly team based games and run off by themselves and try to lone wolf it and are killed by people playing as a team. Therefor looking for an excuse to make it the games fault, not lack of there own skill. For crying out loud the game has been out like 3 days or so now, the learning curve takes weeks for most people, there is no exceptional player out there yet. There are good players, but no great players compared to what we will see in the coming months. Those players will be the ones that knuckled down and got good at using what was at there disposal.


    May be true for others, not for all. I've got well over a 2 k/d, and I try to work with my team, but when playing with randoms, it gets difficult, and that's when they don't just flat out quit, or their 12 or some other problem goin on, and I still find the game lacking. If I wanted to play CoD, i'd play it. I wanted to play Halo, and when everyone has sprint, and runs together with their whole team using only DMR's, this isn't Halo. The BR at least had an effective range, this DMR does not, just a point where it doesn't autolock, and since you dont go out of the scope when shot, there's really no reason not to use it, which defeats the purpose of Halo, when you have the most accurate and powerful rifle at spawn, and then gain the ability to drop whatever weapon you want in your spawn. Teams that don't leave the base and just camp with DMR's win, and that's what "Halo" ( and I use this very loosely) is now, camping with DMR's in their own base, so they can preserve their precious k/d's, and level up enough to prestige enter specialization's.

  2. It's called Team Slayer Pro and it's in Halo 4. It has pre set loadouts, insta spawn and sprint, but no armor abilities or perks or killstreaks.

    Team Slayer Pro? People who actually played Halo (and no Reach doesn't count so don't ask) get one game mode, and its DM at that? I don't agree with you sir, not one bit.

  3. I think community content is great, but only in a separate game mode, probably labeled as community, but not filtered into other game types not specifically designed for it. As for the remakes, Blood Gulch is always a personal favorite, and I wouldn't be angry if Battle/Beaver Creek, Zanzibar, and Sidewinder made an appearance. But please make them the geometrically made actual maps, and not the forge recreations.

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  4. I would like to personally thank 343 Studios for making my Xbox collection of games slightly smaller. Bungie made an incredible game, and made quite a few sequels, (Reach being debatable on how good it was), but nevertheless, amazing. 343 on the other hand, has made the choice for me as to whether or not I will buy the next series. The campaign was good, albeit a bit disappointing in the length department (thats what she said ha ha), as well as the explanation as to why we are fighting the covenant again, but hey, they could be setting that up for DLC or the next game, no big deal. The new ordinance drops is a cool little addition, but it just doesn't seem right that a game should be given to chance, especially when one team gets all rocket launchers and incinerator cannons, and the other team gets battle rifles and speed boosts. But again, it's a game mode, so it's easily avoidable.


    What kicked it over the edge, is the multiplayer. This is not Halo multiplayer, it is Call of Duty in Halo clothing, similar in only name and appearances. In fact, if you dress everyone in Modern Warfare up with some pots and pans, letting them fully customize themselves of course, and give them about 4 times the health, it's actually hard to tell the difference. Weapon pickups don't have a meaning anymore, since all 4-8 people on a team seem to have their umbilical cords tied together and can't separate from one another for fear of actually dying, and have absolutely no problem game-overing your ass with their identical DMR's. The vehicles have appalling amounts of health, easily taken down by one or two people that are actually competent enough to hit the massive vehicles that inhabit the Halo franchise with any gun, since I know that many armies now employ proper pistol vs. tank scenarios. Many more complaints about the multiplayer part, but the most prominent being the maps and the gametypes, honestly, what the hell? There is no Grifball, no Doubles, Team Snipes, Action Sack, the infection couldn't be more geared towards the infected winning very quickly unless the infected had rocket launchers,and if you've played Flood or ever even seen someone use an energy sword ever you know what I'm talking about, and the Big Team Battle maps are barely large enough for 8 people, with the exception of 2 that I can think of, let alone 8 on 8.


    The armor powerups really aren't bad, the personal riot shield can be kind of annoying, but you can easily just stick them or run them over, or wait till it goes down if you're boring like that, but the one that gets me is the active camo. In Reach, it made enemy dots whenever someone used it, forcing you to check every corner or face having you're throat stabbed so hard that Jack the Ripper would flinch. But in this one, you just get annoying grey dots that really doesn't make it hard to find someone unless they're crouched or just not moving, in which case your aimer turns red and autolocks onto them anyways, so basically what i'm saying is they screwed that part up too. Also you might as well just shoot yourself instead of even bothering throwing the sticky grenades, with as much damage as they do, since most of the time the grenade just goes straight through them or just forgets it's a grenade and doesn't explode. The thing i'm most pissed off about, besides the whole umbilical cord thing, is the fact that with the new random drop scenario goin down, there are random grenades strewn throughout the map, more grenades when you spawn, and even more thanks to a special little perk that lets you get even more - you guessed it - grenades from dead allies and enemies, making it oh so joyful when you see the 6 or 7 dots coming towards your lonely yellow dot or two, and then get to see 6 or 7 cute little frag grenades bounce off walls, and floors, and ceilings when they get creative, to land directly around you, in a nice neat pile made just for you. This is not Halo. Grenades are used tactically, and for sticking to faces, not spammed all over the place because you're afraid to actually have someone shoot back at you.


    All in all, Halo 4 offers a very disappointing "end" (for me at least) to the franchise. Personally, I'm gonna go ahead and pretend the last mission of the campaign never happened, and that everything ended in rainbows and sunshine, and Master Chief and the covenant walked into the sunset never to be seen again. Others will disagree, some will rage, and the last few will defend Halo 4 as if it were their own child being attacked by a vicious pack of wolves, but I know I'm not the only one who thinks this way, but please, go ahead and tell me why I'm wrong, and probably deserve to sell my Xbox and how much you'll sleep with my mother.

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