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Posts posted by gonefoever

  1. Yeah I felt it sounds a little too alienish if that makes sense.


    It sounded like to me, someone got a can, some metal balls, and shook it. Maybe that's just me, but it sounds weak.

  2. Yeah, I know about the specializations. Its just... idk, boring? SR-30... SR-31... SR-32.... Couldn't they at least give us different symbol for each rank like Reach? Or a name along with it like in Halo 3?


    Yeah, I miss that. I've actually lost Motivation to even play the MP atm. It's just... monotonous. Connection blows, the overuse of power weapons is ridiculous, team-mates not giving a **** about winning are just irritating, and the level design doesn't feel like Halo to me. I like the Valhalla remake though.

    Maybe because I'm not fond of massive change, but I despised Reach :| I hope H4 doesn't suffer the same fate.


    Sorry for the rant, but this games angers me.

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  3. I think Halo 4 is a DECENT game.

    By no means up the standards of H3, but still, a good game.

    The only gripe I have at the moment is with the mass cluster **** of what is the Multiplayer, hopefully they'll get that ironed out though :]

  4. When you get to SR-50, can't you pick 8 different specs? Which are 10 levels each. So it takes you, eventually, to SR-130. I guess the spec thing is cool, but it doesn't have the same meaning as individual rank names.

    Still gonna quit at SR-50?

  5. Heh, It's pretty easy to take out, but if you haven't got a coordinated team, you're screwed. Me and my mate were in Mantis', we ended up going like 26-2 and 24-4 ;]

    I think they're a great addition. People over-rate them because they're new, and haven't got to known all the new ways of taking them out.

  6. Reach had this problem...

    I haven't really played the game enough yet to see this Grenade problem. I just hope It's not as bad as Reach's.


    I've got the problem with too many people sitting at the back of the map with DMR's, what happened to fighting for power weapons? Not getting them dropped infront of you.

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