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Posts posted by LittleJob

  1. I've been playing Halo since Day 1, Nov 15, 2001. It doesn't make me better than anyone here, but I've had over a decade to form an opinion over how the gameplay has evolved from the start, to Halo 4.


    In my opinion, I am really liking what Halo 4's multiplayer brings to the table. The best way I can describe it, to someone who's played the series but hasn't tried H4 yet, is that it takes Reach's physics and combines it with elements of the H3 gameplay. I think the maps are unique in the sense that I feel like I have a sense of location or direction on every map.


    Playlists are varied and fun, and you know more are on the way with the first update, as well as a new ranking system. I think it's a smart idea to wait to rollout the ranking system that way people can get used to the game and then jump into ranked matches when they've had a couple months to hone their skills.


    I'm neutral on loadouts. I like that we have a chance to customize how we play the game, but I've always preferred a game where everyone starts out the same. This change was actually probably brought on in part by the number of people who would complain for BR starts vs AR starts on many of the H3 maps, as evidenced on the forums at bnet. Yes, there are loadouts in games like Battlefield or CoD, but it's just the industry standard now, like it or not. People, in general, just want more options. I'm not crazy about it, but I see the value it brings...and honestly, if you're good enough at the game, you'll cope and adapt.


    I don't like ordinance drops. It's a fun "perk" if you will, but I prefer to contest the power weapon locations on a map. The saving grace is that it does not appear to be like CoD, where you basically are getting a perk that gives you free kills for already having killed some enemies. You're kinda just augmenting your loadout in H4.


    I could go on much longer but, although Halo has changed a lot over the past 11 years, it still has retained a familiar feel to it. On the forums, things never change. When H3 launched, people claimed that Bungie ruined the game and that H2 was the best. When Reach launched....people complained that it was too different from H3. Now, people are complaining that H4 isn't as good as Reach. It's a wonder these people keep buying the games. Have fun, additions to the game are coming. For 343, this is a great effort for their second game.


    i agree. change is good... it has similarities to COD, but it is not COD... stop bitching and go back to COD if you cant deal with it. I have played just over 20 or so online matches on H4, not yet has one team obliterated the other. Not sure which game types you guys are referring to, but i tend be joined with players of much higher rank, not sure if there is a skill level, but my K/D is pretty damn good, and all of my matches on slayer were dead even.


    343 had to expand on something that was just getting boring... same thing over and over? may loose the 5 die-hard fans, but will gain hundreds more..

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