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Posts posted by EbolaSniper

  1. im hoping someone from 343 will clear some of this up. Im running into more issues but its not worth listing continuously. I just hope they fix this. Yes the campaign was good and multiplayer is fun, but this was all gift wrapped and handed to them. The part where they can prove (to me at least) that they are right for this job is NOT in taking over a million dollar franchise, but in their service to the gamers and fixing issues, ect... Im not saying they WONT do good, im just saying thats what Id like to see in order to believe that they were right to take over after bungie. Im sure they will do a great job, i know its early yet.

  2. I am new to this site so if I did something wrong I apologize in advance. I just have a few quick questions/issues


    1 - There is no campaign matchmaking or theater for campaign, but these things may be added in the future, correct?


    2 - I also did not notice a Sparton Ops matchmaking, but I did see a "find game" - does that insert you into the middle of an already active game, or does it set you up from the beginning with people from LIVE like matchmaking?


    3 - I did not see a way to enter a game in progress for war games, how do i do that?


    4 - I do not see GrifBall - how do i play it on halo 4?


    5 - I also notice a lack of game modes, such as rumble pit and action sack. Are these gone for good?


    6 - I noticed certain stats are not updating, such as my war games and spartan ops stats on both Waypoint AND halo 4 itself. Am I correct in assuming this is just an issue with the game being new and all these people signing on now ect...? In relation to this - I finished all episodes, and now it is showing I did not complete episode 4? So these stats are lost for good it seems. That stinks. I dont even want to play until its fixed honestly because with my luck, every bad game I have will save and every good game will not.


    7 - I purchased the limited edition of the game, and I installed everything, and the War Games map pack - will i be unable to even see these maps until they are released for everyone? I thought Id be able to see them in forge ect... Is that not the case?


    8 - The commendations seem like they can be qucikly maxed, and there are none for campaign (except for finishing the levels). Is this something that can/will be updated? Also - why is there no clock/running score or medals that appear on screen anymore? This was very helpful in telling you when an enemy has been killed. For ex - sometimes Id toss a rouge grenade around a corner or something.


    I know thats alot of stuff, and again I am new here so apologies if this isnt in the right place or anything like that, and THANK YOU for reading this and helping me out.

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