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Posts posted by Roniboney

  1. no he is not and i have evidnce to back it up in halo ce sparks sasis chief has a rmor 2 type and he should upgrade and with this armor 2 type chief survives a fall going into orbit and the didact probley has armor 2012 or soming so yheah


    can you read and add fullstops to your sentences before posting jibberish

    • Like 1
  2. It seems i have some competition on the halo 4 youtubes. Hey man. I make videos aswell im currently at 210 subs. It would be cool to maybe work something out. like maybe helping each other out or something who knows.


    ye man that'd be cool what did you have in mind? A dualcom or something?

  3. Great videos mate. keep em coming......


    Id love to watch big team swat xD


    Thanks man.I'm not sure I'd like that.Swat is not a gametype I like to frequent. I enjoy Halo because I need to wprk for my kills. Swat requires me to work extra hard to make sure I'm faster and not just a better player than my opponent.


    Thanks for the kind comments mate.


    Damage Boost is an ordanance drop that is frequently wasted. Teammates frequently drop it in and run in and subsequently get dropped ( play on words right there).

    Here are some tops on how to use damage boost effectively.



  4. I've written extensive posts about what this game is lacking and where it falls horribly short. Feel free to search them out.



    why would anyone search for your posts after seeing how appaling your attitude is.

    You can have gripes and critiques that's for sure but to say that 343 should hit delete on it's file and create maps for Reach is downright rude.


    They won't listen to ayn of your concerns if you don't post constructively. They are listening and are changing the game for us......that's better than what Bungie did with Reach.

    • Like 1
  5. they really do need to do this.Surely it cannot be that hard to implement an in game level system. It's what we want,why do game devs not hire people from the community or listen to the pro's on matters like this. It wouldn't affect you copy sales in fact I'd go out on a whim and say you make more sales.


    Halo 2 and 3 were great because rank mattered.If oyu saw someone who was level 45 and up you knew that they could play the game.I spent nearly 2 years going for a level above 45 and eventually got to 45 on the dot.Through perseverance I had a sense of accomplishment.Now what do I get? A level up.No thank you.


    Great game but I agree it needs this badly.Not on Waypoint but in the actual game,

  6. The weapons are balanced fine imo.There are certain maps that favor the BR compared to the DMR/Lightrifle ect..... I think the Carbine is nearly useless but I barely use it.


    The DMR is meant for long range engagements but I agree it can do very well up close.However the BR is really great due to the wider reticle on smaller maps where your primary goal is to slay.


    For example Haven,Adrift and Abandon are maps that I feel favor the BR.I will always choose to use my BR jet pack combo on those maps whereas Complex and Solace are better suited to the DMR due to the long lines of sight.


    In any case it may depend on the players comfort with a weapon.Up close and personal I find it more difficult to kill with the DMR but the BR is my baby up close.I agree with you in regards to SWAT -the BR seems very underpowered as the DMR can fire faster.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm slightly apprehensive about this console. Now the xbox 360 has had a great 7 year run but do we really need a new games console war?


    In any case I feel that the xbox 360 has another 2 years life left in it. If they were to release Halo 5 for the next gen xbox of course I would buy it but I hope it doesn't go that far as the xbox 360 is selling better than ever.


    It seems like in order to compete with the Wii U they've been forced to release this console and I pesonally think it's a little too soon.

    Feel free to disagree these are just my initial opinions.

  8. The Pit,Narrows,Guardian,Construct,Lockout,Midship and some of the MLG Custom maps from Halo 3 need to come back.


    An Ultimate Map pack would be great but I think after a while the gimmick of having every map would wear off.We need to learn callouts for every map in the game already so until the game is established remakes should be on the back burner. I would love 343 if they made more remakes as Ragnarok is pure excellence.


    For some more DLC I guess the option to have firefight would be great, I mean it was a very fun game mode.


    Spartan Ops proves that 343 will give us great content and free to boot. Spartan Ops really keeps the game fresh for me when I want to warm my aim up before multiplayer.


    Elites in Multiplayer would annoy me tbh.I think 343 have made a great game that doesn't need the Elites.However if they were restricted to certain gametypes like they were in Reach(mainly invasion and BTB) then I think that's a great idea. But I do not want it across the board and re-live the days of trying to get my 50 and the other team were all Elites I could barely 4 shot.

  9. This would really be a nice welcome change to the multiplayer.I love it but I feel like Halo 2 and 3's ranking system made me come back to the game over and over to gain pleasure from a simple number beside my gamertag.


    For that guy above who thinks that the entire game should be fixed I've played Halo since 2002 and though I think some things are kinda bs sometimes I realise ,having played Halo for years, that deaths that aren't your own fault are not a part of Halo multiplayer.


    Your sick of AR guys then hang back ,dont rush in.Simple fix.

    Halo 4 is nothing like Reach,it's so much better in a ll aspects.


    343 are doing a great job,it feels like a halo game,looks like a halo game and the support they're willing to give makes it a Halo game.Bungie should be proud.

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