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Posts posted by Vyolyn

  1. I mean to each his own. The game is about luck. If all player preform at that top of their ability, skill is no longer an issue. I think this is a cosmic balance that halo really needed. There are somethings that need to be improved, but its to early in the game to be making judgement calls. The exploitable and broken proportions of the game will be patched and the necessary and fundamental aspects will remain. As it stands now, we really don't know how "broken" the game really is until all the classes are unlocked. Personally I think the class system has turned Halo in a new direction. Its much like Team Fortress now.

  2. Well maybe they are preparing you for something. Consider this, nothing is random and all non-random actions are decided randomly. So conclusion: They preparing use for a 1v1 playlist. It's a pretty logical deduction. Also 1v1 most likely will be ranked when that comes out next year.

  3. I never quit a game no matter how bad it gets. Never. You never know when someones going to join and work their ass off to come back from a deficient of twenty or more kills.

  4. This is the way I see it. You either go big, or you go big. It's a pretty simple and linear thought process. For example; if you were given a harpoon but you were miles away from sea what would up do with it? Dear bloody queen of scots you wouldn't leave it laying around like some fat pig that serve no purpose except to eat its who follicles and wallow in its own deterioration until unfairly gives out. No, what you would do is take that harpoon and coleen it directly into the pig, without reason or remorse and then eat it with a grin of utter and complete satisfaction knowing all too well that ye have gonth bigth or gonth bigther! (said all at once without taking a single breath between sentences.)

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  5. Hello 343i forums and other creatures of the void. I used to be apart of the old bungie forums. I mostly lurked and for good reason if you too have been apart of the bungie forum phenomenon. Anyways, I don't think this is quite the place to hand out my measurements and life story, but if you have any questions feel free to ask as I am quite friendly. Anything, ask me anything.

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  6. Seems interesting, though it should have added the three stars; as the heroic has two, and normal difficulty has one. It makes a bit of sense really, now that the enemy is the forerunners and a forerunner skull is befitting.

  7. You know, even though I can not be apart of this; I shall still attempt to be the first in the world (under stander release circumstances) to finish halo 4 on primary difficulty (legendary). Why you may ask? Because a wise man once said, "because it's there". Also, stealing the thunder from the winner will make me happier than a dog with his bone by a worm fireplace. The game is afoot!

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