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Posts posted by Epicnoah51

  1. No kidding. I'm pretty sure if they used appropriate names though, people would get used to it. Just like how people will eventually get used to Halo 4 and how different it is than the rest.


    Now that I think of it, Elites shouldn't really be called Elites either.....

    No kidding. I'm pretty sure if they used appropriate names though, people would get used to it. Just like how people will eventually get used to Halo 4 and how different it is than the rest.


    Now that I think of it, Elites shouldn't really be called Elites either.....


    elite is a nickname. their true racial name is the sangheili, natives of the planet sanghelios, and their culture is kind of a mix between samurai and mayan.

  2. Spartan Ops sucks compared to firefight the game is over in under 4 minutes

    it may be short, but there are 5 new missions every week.


    I'm gonna chime in here. If your going to list tiems to defend a title and go on to say how good it is, you need to be specific. Posting things like "The gameplay is good"...please. State specifically what about the gameplay is good, or makes it good for you. Seriously, I'm tired of hearing people ***** and moan about us guys who did not like it. Like us hating it gives everyone else a free pass to shun or kick us to the curb from these forums.

    I'm gonna chime in here. If your going to list tiems to defend a title and go on to say how good it is, you need to be specific. Posting things like "The gameplay is good"...please. State specifically what about the gameplay is good, or makes it good for you. Seriously, I'm tired of hearing people ***** and moan about us guys who did not like it. Like us hating it gives everyone else a free pass to shun or kick us to the curb from these forums.

    it is good for me because i enjoy the new custom loadout system and ordinance ( i love having a saw whenever i want), people are complaining that the game is slowly turning into call of duty, i personally think it is a good improvement.


    I think the point being made with this topic is that there is a lot of unnecessary hate being made about Halo 4 for no reason. Sure, you are entitled to your opinion about the game, but there is no reason to shun its existence simply because it was different from your past experiences. That's kind of a thing about life that you have to get used to eventually: things CHANGE. If they didn't, they would be dead. And i'm sure most people don't want Halo to die. This is what you sound like when you hate on a perfectly good work of art that 343 put much good effort and time into:




    Go through this. You will understand, or maybe you won't, in which case me saying this is futile.

    thanks for not being annoying .

  3. for one the gameplay is amazing, spartan ops is a very nice gamemode, the art style has been a great improvement, the soundtrack is beatiful, and i havent come across a single glitch. there ya go.

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  4. the didact and the librarian according to the halo encyclopedia, were in love and the librarian didnt go to requiem with the didact and saved the humans by populating them on earth, where she died and the humans lived on. due to this, the didact became enraged and wanted revenge,

  5. Why do people have to hate on halo 4 so much? i think it is a superb game with many great qualities to it.my only problem: some of the guns are overpowered. thats it. other than that, this game is a masterpeice.

  6. all of you who are saying that 343 isnt made for halo or isnt made of people who love halo are wrong, look at 343i. they are named after a character of a friggin halo game.


    halo 4 is one of the first games in a new era of gaming. its going to be evoloutionary

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