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Posts posted by Romeosierra616

  1. unlike halo 3 and halo 2 there is alot more randomness and luck based gameplay now much much more of it which results in Not being such a big skill cap. in other games i could easly turn around out br 2-3 people at times in this game you can't you will kill one and have them spawn 10 inches from you to sprint to you and kill you. The Massive dmr hitbox allows them to hit 2-3 inches above my head and so they can kill me faster, and god drops them power weapons when it drops me needles gernades and speed boost.


    Soooo... what your saying is you can't go on planned out rampages on maps you know by heart like the other games, you have to have skill, and be able to adapt to unpredictable situations?

  2. Good riddance. MLG doesn't mean anything anymore. it's a term Little kids use to explain why they think their better at a game than anyone else.


    MLG is a joke anyways lol , they always act so cocky, and god forbid a "casual" player ( because apparently video games are serious business) beats them, they insult you and claim whatever they can to make themselves feel better lol


    The people saying that Halo and MLG "Shaped" each other , slow your roll haha, even if the game is losing players, it isn't because of the least played playlist in any Halo game lol

  3. Lol. It doesn't matter, I checked the day I first got told too and Gamestop said that they couldn't print another code.


    They lied to you, It's a push of a button function to generate codes. One of my friends is an Assistant Manager at one of my local stores, and generating pre-order codes from the register is LITERALLY one of the easiest things they do on a daily basis, they have a specific option on the registers to do it in case the code doesn't print on the sales receipt.

  4. Are you sure that game was the one it happened in? Some people just mute the entire playerlist from the start so they don't hear them, and if your in enough games with people who do that you'll get the banned.


    did you play any games after that one? I was under the impression the bans go into effect fairly quickly, but I could be wrong.

  5. From that post alone, you are younger than I am

    We'll seeing how your B-day puts you in 1978 and 1978 is older then 1989... then yeah, it doesn't take a d***** bag attitude to figure out who's older buddy, then again, I'm not in my thirties trying to act like a big shot on a video game forum.


    And no, your rant still doesn't validate whining over minor graphical differences in a video game like a spoiled child. No matter how much you dislike minecraft personally. Sorry bro.


    Also, it would be great if the binoculars on matchmaking were disabled, or if there was an option to disable it. I've missed so many kills because I've accidentally clicked the thumbstick while using the Assault Rifle... -__-


    Theres an option in the control menu that helps with that,but I forget what it's called.

  6. A: Halo 3 had the WORST multiplayer of the Series, people who cite it as a being better than anything never had to go from Halo 2 Multiplayer to the joke Halo 3's was. The movement was clumsy and the weapons were a joke, it felt like a poor emulation of the success of Halo 2 with cheap sprinkles added (Rank and leveling). If Reach's MP was like 3's I would have never played Halo MP again, so thank God it wasn't.


    B:Amazing graphics don't make a game magically good , just look at how successful Minecraft is, and the game looks like the **** I played when I was a kid. People need to stop whining about how "Bad" the graphics are in 4. From the point of view of somebody who grew up in late 80/90's and has seen the evolution of games/graphics firsthand, you sound like spoiled children.


    Sure there are some annoying issues with Halo 4's MP, but once they patch it up it will be just fine. Just give 343i a few days to breath.

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  7. For all but 2 levels in Halo 3 there is no Cortana, but it was just as much Halo as Halo 1 and 2 was.


    and from the chronological point of view, John and Cortana only knew each other for a few months, not counting the time in Cryo Sleep. They met eachother DAYS before reach was attacked, and the events on halo 1, 2 and 3 all take place in mid-late 2552, less than year. my point is: I'm sure he'll be able to recover and keep going.


    and I fully agree that he needed to be taken out of his comfort zone.

  8. Most of all why the hell would you remove chiefs armor?



    I can think of a lot of reasons but 2 big ones come to mind: He's been in the suit for 4 years and needs a shower(not even making a joke), and the second reason is he has no reason to wear the suit outside of combat, maybe he was going to be debriefed.

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