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Twisted Oracle

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Posts posted by Twisted Oracle

  1. Bring out the Banhammer. Guys are spamming SpartanOps for the XP, solely hiding in the corner, getting like one kill while we do the rest, and they rack in all the XP. it is bullcrap. Ban these jerks, or let us add a kick function to the sessions. It isn't fair to us who play it for fun or for the Infinity Challenge, which is even more so boosted now. Let's be real, most of those guys on the top probably aren't truly playing the games.


    XP is based on performance, if they camp in the corner they only get 800 XP


  2. 3rd World Bomb Squad is now recruiting! It is a competitive yet fun clan that is military based. There are leader positions open so join fast. We do mlg playlists and gamebattles while we just wreck everyone on matchmaking. Either way you won't regret joining.


    Contact the SmashAce or Valtekk on Xbox live for details or go to wbs.enjin.com


    Is this the 10th clan you have been in this month?

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  3. He's completely right though. Not to say we could have one in each of our homes but nuclear energy would probably be our best option right now. That is until they develop a clean energy source that is economically feasible and plentiful. Which in all reality probably hasn't been developed yet.


    If we completely switch over from fossil fuels to clean energy or nuclear energy we would do more harm than good. The economy certainly could not handle that, you would be puttimg way more people out of work. Granted its better for our future but lets face it our government is selfish and will make decisions based on what best for today

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