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Posts posted by BlasterKeef

  1. All I want are split-screen and dual wielding weapons back. I'm pretty sure they never dropped BRs anyways, because I definitely used them all of the time on H4 online. It just looked somewhat different. I honestly enjoyed the jet packs in quite a few game types but I agree there should definitely be playlists without them and the lack of ranking is ridiculous.


    I just want to be able to play couch co-op games again again. I swear, the gaming industry just wants to kill any possibility of their community having a social life just so they can sell more copies and force the fans to listen to a bunch of racist toddler rants instead of just hanging out with their actual friends in real life. The reason half the internet nowadays seems to think chicks can't play video games is because they have to lock themselves away in a dungeon and force everyone to talk to them over garbage online mics, everything is WoW now haha.

  2. How to Bring the Heart Back into Halo


    In recent years it seems everything has to be as dark, dismal, depressing and "realistic" as possible. Ever since Nolan's Dark Knight revitalized the Batman franchise in spectacular fashion after the abysmal failure of Joel Schumacher's goofy Batman and Robin flop, it's been an unescapable pattern in nearly all entertainment. After Batman Begins came out in 2005, Halo 2's fantastically optimistic ending lead to Halo 3 (still a fantastic game) ending with the best Halo character aside from Chief in my opinion, Johnson and Miranda Keys dying and MC floating into the void on a broken ship.


    After losing his last living human friends, in Halo 4, Cortana a ROBOT somehow died due to the lack of an ability to update her software essentially like the craziest Siri ever made and now in Halo 5 we have to hunt him down and kill him. Now, I have high hopes this game doesn't go the darkest route possible and force us to brutally beat one of my favorite heroes of all time since I played Combat Evolve on launch day when I was 6 years old into the dirt, but if they do, I'm honestly considering giving up on games in general.


    Right now there is a racist daddies boy multi-bankrupted billionaire claiming to be paying for his own campaign while taking twice the donation amounts he paid from corrupt donors like every other politician. The polar ice evaporating into the atmosphere is causing catastrophic weather phenomenon unheard to human civilization since the last ice age which flooded my entire town 3 times in the middle of summer. We're also already considering going back to war with the same people we were fighting for 13 years for zero reason at all. We get it, life sucks, but entertainment is supposed to be an enjoyable escape from that fact, would it hurt to have someone crack a joke or a smile in a GAME once in a while?


    Aside from that the few gameplay related suggestions I have involving Halo, though I'm unsure if these have been implemented or brought back again regardless are these: Please bring back duel wield, it was one of the best editions to the series, it made useless guns like the plasma pistol useful because you could use it to take down shields and then take down the rest with a reasonably powerful weapon. Please bring back split-screen, online only is taking a toll on the entire gaming industry and it is one of the worst trends in its history. Just one game of online multiplayer uses up to 20% of the total internet data I have for the month where I live and no one I know prefers online to in person couch co-op.


    I know I'm complaining a lot here, but I really did enjoy Halo 4 more than most as far as I've heard, mainly for the campaign which has always been my favorite part of Halo. The only draw back with that is that if I can't play couch co-op Halo campaign anymore like I have with every single one for a decade and a half the series is practically pointless to me now. Also, bring back the classic score, one of the only complaints my friends and I had with the last Halo campaign, aside from the QTE finale, was that whenever something epic was happening we kept waiting for that amazing score to kick in and when it didn't it was extremely underwhelming and just left everybody saying "that's it?"


    You've done a lot of good work with the expansion of the lore, the new weapons and enemies types, but please don't start following these mindless modern gaming trends and bring back what made the series great rather than adding what would make it just as generic as everything else. Thanks to any of the 343 crew or anyone else who bothered reading this far and have a good one. It won't take a lot to bring the series back to its former glory, just a bit more old school mechanics, a bit less new school nonsense. Peace.

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