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Posts posted by Swift

  1. Hey guys I'm Going to be getting a hd pvr soon so if you want to join team ph0enix we will be doing mostly customs and some forging if your interested in joining message me on Xbox live: JA1E35 . Once I get my pvr I will start recording and posting onto YouTube!


    There will be some rules applied to join in:

    You must be over the age of 14.

    Swearing and insulting will not be tolerated.

    Always have a positive attitude! :)

    You must be online daily.


    If you have a hd pvr currently it would be awesome cause then we can start posting videos onto YouTube!


    Please reply If you have any questions.

  2. Hey guys! If your interested in playing customs message me at 7:00pm AUS time zone

    We will be playing every Saturday. and I will invite new people every time to be far.


    My tag is: JA1E35


    We will be playing these types of game modes:

    - Infection

    - Race

    - Mini games


    Australian players.

    We will be playing at 7:30. message me before 7:30 and I will invite you.


    American players.

    We will be playing at 5:30 message me before 5:30 and I will invite you.


    If you don't make it in I'm very sorry please forgive me.


    Steps to joining


    1. To find me go to chat,


    2. Send private chat invite,


    3. Enter gamertag then go to my profile

    and send me a message saying you want to join!


    4. then hopefully you get in!!!

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