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halo reach/4 forger

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Posts posted by halo reach/4 forger

  1. listen the campaign was awesome its way way better than CE reach ODST wars and posibbly 3 depending on your taste but the campaign kicked as in what way did the ending suck thats like saying halo 2s ending sucked balls

    343 said they are going to explore chiefs humanity and to do that cortana needed to die (she'll be back after all we made a promise.....................RIGHT) after all the librarian will fix her (at the part when cortanas chip gets destroyed listen and the librarian will say dont worry i will take care of u) so cortanas not dead im assuming im the only one that heard that after evry 1 was shutting off the game over cortana getting murdered.


    AND BESIDES it will be more satisfying once we rip the living flesh off the didact for ******* up cortana

  2. NAAA IT WONT HAPPEN COD has no plot to work with well BO being an exeption. if they do make a COD movie i think it would be best to go with black ops 1 that had a strong story.


    hoowever i want treyarch and infinity ward to try out different games or take longer than a year to make COD then i would see if its any better.


    the reason the COD developers are so lazy is look at ODST that was made in a year then look at how different ODST is from traditional halo they done that in a year as well as firefight.


    COD on the other hand is the same game (for the most part) and ODST shows just how much can be done in a year.

  3. When i first saw reaches forge demo i was like holy sh t this is easily big enough for a pelican and phantom then at the same night i dreamt of forge world and me and my friends were dog fighting with pelicans and phantoms and when i dream about stuff like that im usually correct. i woke up the next morning thinking of map ideas to incorperate them into when i got reach i dived into forge expecting a pelican,phantom and what do i get a falcon that cant shoot by a main gun like in campaign and doesnt have a grenade launcher turret version in forge like the rocket hog and gauss hog SUCH A DISSAPOINTMENT.

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