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Posts posted by Charlydlv

  1. Currently in Halo: Reach and int he past Halo matchmaking if someone of a lower rank ques for a match with multiple higher ranks the teams end up un-even in terms of skill. One of the best examples is when 8 people of a clan que together in big team battle they usually go up against 8 random people. The worst case is when all 8 on the clan are high rank except one or two people. this then results in the other team all being of similar ranks to the lower ranked people. Now you have 2 teams of greatly different ranks fighting eachother, and not only that clans are suualy all talking to eachother and randoms are not the clan also has experience together. this is one of the MAJOR factors contributing to huge one sided losses, people raging, then quiting. This ahppens in smaller games as well like team slayer. its happend to me a few times where their lowest rank is the same as our highest and the higher ranks on their team are way out of our reach and its like that just because they qued with the lower rank. Im just hopinh this is fixxed in halo 4. if you que together as 8 or 4 you should either be evenly split or have to wait for another team of 8 same with slayer. or at the very least the team should be qued with people of similar rank to the HIGHEST rank. that way its a question of: Do we want to fight people potentioaly better than us or split up for a fair fight. currently the question is now: do we want to que against people we know are less experienced than us and have an utter faceroll or split up for en even fight. I know this may cause clans to have to wait awhile longer or mabye they dont like splitting up for games but is it really fair than random players get dominated because of it?


    Edit: there should atleast be a que for randoms to choose to only que with only other randoms. that way they dont have to be put in that situation if they dont want to.


    The matching system you describe was only present in Halo 3. Reach has a different one.


    P.D. Nice typing.

  2. To all of you whiners that complain about how Halo 4 sucks and stuff like that.


    ADAPT. Things change. Want it or not. Its unevitable. All changes are good.


    Promethean Vision: Counters camping.


    The new gun sounds: Its the first time they actually record real guns. Play the game and you will see that they fit with the whole environment a lot better.


    The 1-500 scoring: Its for INFINITY SLAYER ONLY. There will always be other slayer playlist.


    Speedy guys and better jetpacks, instant respawn, join matches that have already been started, etc: 343 said that the game will now be a lot more fast paced, so its all intentional and with a good cause. There will be a classic playlist almost identical to the Halo 3 system .


    All the other abilities and extra custom stuff: Same as above.


    If you don´t like the new changes, GO PLAY HALO 3, ITS STILL ONLINE.


    -Edited for language. No cursing please.-

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