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King Remington

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Posts posted by King Remington

  1. So far Im enjoying the newest dlc (crimson) but would also like to see tge return of classic casual maps like foundty and sandbox ( which I would like with a lighted oasis in the middle and no gaurdians in the desert except for at the wall, and a return of the" stone pallet"), which would be great for new community driven maps, which halo 4 is despretly lacking. Comment if you agree or have anyother suggestions!

  2. So to start off I love the idea of special skins for earning level 50 and such and should be kept this way but I think a great way to add more customization for players to have fun with is either a free or very cheap weapon and or armor skins official dlc adding camos like digital, tiger stripes, desert, etc. Id love to have more customization to play around with and if we were given around 10-15 skins I dont think Id mind paying around 100-175 microsoft points for it (around the same price as avatar items) so if anyone has ideas or feedback feel free to comment and if enough people like this maybe we can get some strength behind it and get it actually made!

  3. Hey everyone this site is great and I am happy to ses all these fans working ( somewhat ) together to help better everyones halo expirence! Best of wishes to 343 and the reclaimer trilogy!

  4. Whenever I have spent time playing halo I have always enjoyed forge and am very eager to see what is in store for the new forge, I also hope that about 90% of the user suggestions make forge more easy for beginners and active users. But there is another aspect of halo that has never been fully exploited and could make halo so much more than what it is and that my friends is the theater mode. Some of you may be saying whatever but if you do think about it what is the point of creating beautiful maps in forge and not being able to showcase them easier and to more users? Well theater has the possibility to do such a thing and also if 343 used the current

    theater set up along with some special effects and the ability to weave smaller recordings together to make montages, videos, and maybe even movies. Now how awesome would that be? What are some of your guys opinions on the matter? Please be realistic.

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