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Posts posted by JeezyHeartsAGN

  1. Please keep the comments/ideas coming! Is there anything you'd change with my original idea? Does the idea need revamped? Is there a better way to implement this kind of matchmaking playlist?


    I guess it wouldn't really be Forge matchmaking but Customs matchmaking. Don't know if I can edit the title of this thread :| edit: nevermind figured it out. Changed the title of tread to better describe the idea.

  2. Skumm - people could probably just choose a game type or upload a custom game type for whatever their map is set up for when they upload their map to host the lobby - and said game type can be displayed to searching players when they're choosing a lobby to play in.

  3. Wonder,


    I think it work for everyone to get their map a shot. There wouldn't be a preset map circulation. You host a lobby with your map and wait for people to join. The matchmaking system would set players up to choose to be in your lobby. It would be just like customs only you can play with randoms and people can rate your map. You see what I mean?


    To add to that, the better your map is rated (number of ratings compared to average rating) the more likely your lobby will show up for players searching for games.


    I think the biggest deal would be if there are enough forgers/customs players out there to keep the playlist active enough to fill lobbies. From my experience in Halo, there are enough people who like to play customs.

  4. This is just an idea I came up with that I'd love to see in Halo 4. If you like or have suggestions please comment and get a discussion going. If enough people would be interested and it shows somewhere, maybe the devs will take notice. So here it goes:


    I'd like to see a matchmaking playlist dedicated to playing people's custom forged maps. That's a tough one, but I think with the proper implementation it could work well.


    First off, there would be a few different playlists under the "Forge" category in multiplayer. They would be Competitive, Zombies, Misc. (or whatever other broad catagorization that could be used to cover most map types).


    After a person selects their desired playlist, they're prompted to either 'Host' or 'Play'. If you host, you select your map, upload, and wait in a lobby for players. If you Play, matchmaking chooses a selection of Hosted lobbies for you to choose from. Some information will be displayed about the map you're choosing, including a rating system. Something like stars. You can see how many people have rated the map and what the average rating is (1-5 stars, or something similar)


    So now you're match made in a custom map with randoms. You finish your game and when you're returned to the lobby a pop up prompt comes up and asks you to rate the map. It could also give you the option to comment so the creator can read and get feedback for improvement.


    Initially of course, it would be difficult to get play time on your custom, but if it's a great map eventually it will get great reviews and a lot of play time.


    I also think it would be important to keep the playlist free of skill ratings or XP due to the nature of custom maps (many of them could be pretty crappy and warrant rage quit)


    It seems a little complicated but with an intuitive interface I think it could be easy. I know there was more I had in mind as I was thinking about this the other day. I'll add more if I think of it.


    Please comment and discuss. Do you think it could work? Would you play in the Forge matchmaking? Any suggestions?


    Thanks for reading

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