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Posts posted by Ipodmaster

  1. RTX had the first release of forge and a couple of longow matches! What did you guys think of them?


    Edit: The halo 4 footage was shown in RTX. I do not have the videos . The only way i know to find them is to search for them or you wouldve watched RTX live stream.

  2. Ok theses are some basic stats


    DMR: Medium-Long Range.


    BR: Short-Medium Range.


    As you can see if your at long range with BR vs. DMR DMR would win.

    With Medium range it is pretty much who pulls the trigger first.

    And with short range BR vs. DMR BR would win because it is better with close range activities.



    I loved how the DMR performs long range. Just, awesome. I just needed some shots, and zoom to take down my enemies. And the BR, oh the powerful, and sexy BR. I loved it coming closer to them and strike them with a 4 shot burst of killing power. When I get my H4 copy, I will unlock the Firepower package, from the Tactical Packages, choose both DMR and BR, and let the long-to-mid distance killing begin.


    Ya ill probably use both too.

  4. This topic will discuss how you can improve in having fun and win more while playing halo reach and in other FPS's.

    Please, if you have some good ways to have more fun list them down below! Lets get started!


    1)Don't worry about your K/D ratio, i know alot of you like saying i'm MLG pro because my K/D is 2.51 or something like that but the reason to play games is to have fun, saying your god at killing sprees is just like saying your god at never winning a game of checkers or another board game. I have stopped worrying about my K/D ratio and my fun in playing halo has increased by alot!


    2)Don't be afraid to die, sometimes i've seen people go in a corner and i asked them why they are sitting in a corner and they reply by saying they don't want their kiling spree to end. If you go out there and not be afraid to die then you just might get that last kill when the teams are 49-49 and win the game. So next time you get on a laser spree or shotgun spree don't be afraid to run around! Dieing is part of the game! you cant have dieing without killing!


    3)Communication is key! You wanna know why? this is why : if you are calling people out then your teammates will less likely die and you'll have more fun and you'll win more too! Your mic isn't just for trash talking! its for helping your teammates(s)!


    4)Not Raging! Raging is a major issue in gaming and if you don't rage because your killing spree was stopped then you can stay and finish the fight with your teammates! It also helps because you then you won't have that empty slot in the game untill it's over and the teams won't be unbalanced!


    5)Don't Be afraid to lose, just similar to what i said before if you always win wouldn't that be boring? All day you can't even lose, you're just winning over and over again. So you can't have winning without losing and vice versa. So if you lose just accept and hope for a better result in the next game!


    That is all the tips that i have to share! I hope this helped you!


    Ipodmaster, Out!

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