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Posts posted by Scorch

  1. The co-op campaign looks like it could be fun, On the downside story wise reminds me of Deus-ex a little too much, the solider movement looks exactly like titanfalls movement and I would have been happy with anything that doesn't take place in the future. I miss WW2 and the vietnam/cold war era.

  2. Wow tough one but i'm gonna have to go with Halo 3 on this one for the sole fact that Halo reach felt like a little kind of rushed to me. Now here me out I love Reach's customization but in mulltiplayer a lot of the maps were straight from campaign (Swordbase,Spire,Boneyard,Boardwalk,etc..) and for me I like when they make the maps straight for multiplayer in mind. On I side note I also miss the clueless English speaking grunts over the Jabba the hutt speaking grunts.

  3. When in Halo 4 did they make skulls a split pre-order bonus? Cause like I said it was armor which really doesn't matter to game play and as far as the if you don't like it deal comment, Xbox one would have no disc tray and a strict DRM policy If we just said screw it and deal with it. If enough people complain they will listen, remember GTA 5 not being on PC? People complained now it's happening.

  4. Obviously, I'm excited to see the Master Chief Collection being released soon. But with every silver lining, there's a dark cloud.


    Whose idea was it to make the skulls a pre-order through different stores? Have they lost your minds? The most fun I had in Halo CE: Anniversary was with bandanna and Grunt funeral skulls on. Now I have to wait an indefinite amount of time just to get that awesome game play which I expected to be in the collection in the first place, or pay to get all three. Now I know that Grunt funeral was a pre-order bonus for Halo CE: Anniversary, but Bandanna and Pinata were not, not to mention they alter game play itself. It's not a random armor that doesn't change the game or really matter to the game play in general. So, as a long-time Halo fan I'm hoping Microsoft/343/Everyone stops with these pre-order split ups. Put them in them game from the start, or make them all obtainable with out having to get 3 different pre-orders at launch rather than pinching every cent out of us. Halo: Reach did it, Halo 4 did it, Gears of War 3 did it. Just to get the character/armor/content I want at launch, I have to search the internet for someone who either A: Doesn't want it, B: wants to trade it, or C: I have to buy a separate code.


    And I know they said all the skulls would be "Available after a certain period of time."


    That doesn't fix it.

  5. We will just have to wait till E3 for more news about it but I wouldn't jump the gun and go PS4 (Plus they haven't even showed us the console yet, and i'm not big of the touch screen idea.) the xbox is still gonna play games like it already does if not run smoother. What more can they do when it comes to playing games so no duh they talked about its other features.

  6. One Word Boss: Buy a headset for Scorcher.





    Also is there a simplified place for DGL info? All I understand is that it's a tournament with Halo gametypes but I haven't seen any info as to how you even play it.


    For a second I thought you RP 1v1 other people on this forum.

    I have a mic it's the one Boss uses I just let him use it for playdates since he talks to you guys more.

  7. I know a few people out there who were a little disappointed with the 3 forge maps and took it out of 343i via "Halo waypoint". I've been wanting this for awhile but i think it would make forging 10 times better if they added a "Farcry" type map editor, and just think of all the crazy maps you could make or see if they let you make you own map terrain plus they wouldn't have to make 3 extra maps just for forge the only problem is they will have to put a little more time making the editor itself but it would be a major improvement to forge mode. What do you guys think?

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