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Posts posted by Enlargingparrin

  1. Well, when you think of a visor, you're going along today's standard, which is simply piece of hardened glass that covers the eyes.


    Now five-hundred something years into the future, I'm sure that they haven't simply let the visor stand still in time. It could be engineered to bend light, so that a larger picture is made to account for smaller size. And to put it simply, as I could go on and on about this, the visor is quite big enough, we're simply used to incredibly large ones which are often unneededly big.


    There's also something called neck movement, which I'm not sure you've heard of.

    If the game was set in the presant time it would be okay but Halo 4 is set in the future. I think that it should have been a Mark 7 armor which looks like the Mark VI only a bit diffrent just like the Mark VI was a little diffrent to the Mark V.

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  2. I ran out of room for options so if you want Mark V armor from Halo Comat Evolved Anniversary, new version of Rogue armor or New version of Recon armor

    please leave a comment


    I would like to see the Rogue helmet from Halo 3 but with it's own body and shoulder piece

  3. I want it available in customs. Not matchmaking though.

    Yeah, I agree with you. If we could lower are weopons online it would just be a waste of the games resources because once we lowered it we would probaly have to use straight after.

  4. I know Vista sucks but bear with me here. Halo 2 doesn't need remade at all. Halo 2 Vista has Achievements and Multiplayer and there's still a way to connect to the Halo 2 servers and play online through the Xbox. I'm not saying it wouldn't be a nice thing to see but its just not necessary and I want 343i to make new games and games from different points of views like Halo Reach but from the Chiefs perspective.

    I know what you're saying about Halo 2 on vista with it's own Achievements and Muliplayer but what about people who are offline and most of the people I know have windows 7 and it just doesn't work on it. That is why I think Halo 2 should be remade but like it was when it came out but maybe with it's own Forge and Thearter mode, and I like your idea about Halo Reach being remade but from Master Chief perspective.

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