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Posts posted by BigBEYEA

  1. IMO if you want to prove to the world you're amazing join tournaments and go pro. Otherwise, you're just another common gamer anyway, 50 or not.


    Its not even about being the best, its about going into matchmaking and not getting people of lesser skill on your team and which make you lose. They should have a ranking system, its a team game and if you get bad teammates it just brings you down. So atleast with a ranking system you can find people your skill level. (Yes I know boosting and buying 50s but for the majority you get good kids.) Also to buddy who made point about MLG back in 2010 right before Reach release MLG was still huge, and if they had a competive game like halo 2 and 3 along with starcraft they would be becoming bigger. But with reach they didnt have a chance to.

  2. Hey guys i'm Brad, and im from NB, Canada. Been playing halo since the beginning in 2001, when I was 9. Been addicted ever since. Never got into reach and continued playing on with Halo 3 with long breaks inbetween. Started playing a lot more recently to get the rust off for Halo 4. If you wanna run H3 add me on XBL GT BigBEYEA .


    Thanks for the warm welcome in advanced!

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