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Posts posted by Ethereal

  1. I simply hope that players who only have access to on-line occasionally, (like when visiting friends), won't be punished or hindered in gaining credits like they were with reach.


    Using your profile on reach on-line made it so that offline you were only able to get a total of 1,000 cR until the next time you logged on-line. And even if you never went on-line the amount of credits you could earn on-line compared to offline per day were ridiculous.


    Spending an hour online could easily net you 4-6k credits (Without any of the challenges or commendations which are not available off-line), where as off-line you were looking at 2-3k possibly. If you factored in the daily challenges, jackpots (normal and Special 30kish ones), commendations and averaged the weekly there was no way you could possibly unlock most of the higher rank armor or all of the armor off-line before a new Halo was released, the exception being if you had way to much free time and no life.



    The whole hindering / punishing gamers without internet access started with Halo 3 when they made a large number of the spartan and elite armors unlockable only threw achievements that were only able to be completed on-line. (Which is why I will never get to play with most of the elite armors in Halo 3, I'm not whining just stating that it's a frustrating issue that could easily be fixed.) Yes I get nostalgic and play Halo 3 often, not as often as reach but still often. I miss the equipment, my favorite was the mine. If only it hadn't beeped loudly and blinked constantly it might of been more useful. (Sorry for the slight tangent.)



    I find it extremely frustrating since there is no broadband internet offered in my area or any of the surrounding areas with apartments for rent. (Incase anyone was going to say well just get internet. lol)




    Things that Would be nice, but I can't even hope for would be:


    I will admit though that I would love the ability to have Combat Training like CoD:Black ops or at leastadd bots to off-line multiplayer like perfect dark (N64) / CoD: Black Ops.


    And that they keep the elites as a playable character for multiplayer. I've been an elite in multiplayer since Halo 3 and never looked back.

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