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Posts posted by VeronicasVirusX

  1. It's longer than most but it's not really that long. =P Each main section is highlighted that way it makes it easier to pick stuff out. Every section is organized into smaller sections to make it easier to read.


    I know some people don't like reading a lot though. To each their own. =P

  2. Lol! I'll probably just be on both a bit. I've been playing Ghost Recon a bunch and I like it a lot. I play a lot more FPS than I do third person shooters so i'm a lot better at FPS. I'm admittedly average when it comes to third person shooters. I've also barely played any of them online. However, I like Ghost Recon A LOT. So i'm thinking about making it my main multiplayer game for awhile. At least until Halo is out and as long as the community stays i'll probably play it for awhile.


    The copy i've been playing is my boyfriend's so I have to buy my own once I start working again. I'll have to buy Minecraft 360 for myself too. I also need Skyrim, Kingdoms of Amalur, Final Fantasy XIII, ME2+ME3 and Assassin's Creed Revelations. Those are all games my BF owns that I either wanted to play, started, or finished and I want to replay. I don't own them myself.=(


    But anyways, what I really like about Ghost Recon Future Soldier's multiplayer is the tactical aspect of it. This game requires more strategy than most and teamwork is often key. Also, the games rewards you based on objectives and teamwork. It does keep track of KDR but in games, you could be 2-10 but still be the top member on your team if you've captured objectives or done many teamwork actions.


    Teamwork actions being:Savior kills, defending and capturing objectives, assists, using equipment or grenades that help your team members like sensors, drones, capturing intelligence on the enemy, etc.


    They will apparently be adding a Team Deathmatch which is fine by me. I'm sure i'll play it at some point but I like the objective game types more. Plus, having a TDM will get rid of all the people who just want to kill and not go for the objective. Going 2-0 for a 10-20 minute match while sniping, while we need to be capturing objectives does NOT help us at all.


    Also, most people i've encountered with mics have been communicating and a bit more intelligent than most. I've only come across maybe 3 people who were dumb. I've only heard 2 kids with mics so far too. One kid screamed into his mic for like 1-2 minutes(ANYONE HAVE A MIC?). You'd think if he heard nobody talking he'd realize that nobody else was using one.-_-


    There was one guy who did really well and told the other team to stop playing and get a new game even though this guy had like over 20 hours logged in within the first 2 days.>_> There was also this guy on my team who complained about our teammates being stupid and not knowing how to arm the bomb. He quits, I arm it and we win seconds later. =P


    There was also this guy on my team who I played like 2 rounds with him and his friend. 2nd round we get this new guy on our team and the original guy on my team says "Yeah me and my buddy here were the only ones who did anything last round." I was like..? You serious? They were somewhere between ranks 3rd-5th on our team. Me and this other guy were first and 2nd. I had like 36 kills-21 deaths, like 20 teamwork points and capped various objectives. I was also in their squad and saved them so many times.@_@


    Aside from that, most people either communicate or don't use a mic from what i've encountered so far. Also, it really does suck getting bad teammates. More so than Halo. Halo you could be the only person positive sometimes and still win Team Slayer. But in GRFS, if you have teammates who are just awful and who don't try for the objectives, you most likely won't win. Not saying bad people shouldn't play. If you don't play you don't get better.

  3. Lol a Zelda Minecraft? Whatchu talking about?


    I know there are a lot of games that basically copied Minecraft but I didn't play any until Minecraft was released on the 360. It's so fun and addicting.=P



  4. Lol! Uhm my artistic skills are super limited. T__T It's because I never practice. If I practiced drawing as much as I played video games then i'd be super awesome.


    I always have to look at something whether it's a random object or a picture of an existing character and draw what I see. I suck at poses.


    =O That;s rough but nice money. I did that at one point. I went almost a month without a day off and the days when I was working 9-11 hours were the days when we had this massive sale. I can't tell you how busy it was.@_@ I'd go to work around 10am and wouldn't get home till midnight. I'd love to work longer days though sometimes. Good money.

  5. Lol no need to apologize. =P Work and life are pretty important.


    I decided to reinstall my tablet today and I started drawing some random stuff. I'm currently working on this


    It's obviously not finished in the slightest.=P We'll see if I finish it. I need to fix his eye and smile and a bunch of other stuff.

  6. I'll be getting Minecraft too. Looks awesome. Plus it has 4 player splitscreen *and you can take all 4 players online* and up to a total of 8 players online.


    Castlevania HD is really good but i'm not sure how many people play it. I'd probably try and wait till they put it on sale again. I paid full price for the game, the DLC levels and the DLC characters and it was 40$ total. The base game goes up to 6 levels and DLC adds 5 more. There's also character DLC. The game is all about the loot though and going back and playing the levels on hard. I was EXTREMELY addicted to it. Most people find themselves playing through as multiple characters. Some characters are similar but they all have different abilities/attacks and can get different equipment.


    The game goes up to 6 players online but the game has been out for about 2 years so I don't know how many still play it. It can also be annoying when you get players who just sit and don't play. Even though they're not playing they still get loot because everyone gets the loot regardless of who opens the chest.


    It also can sometimes take FOREVER to get some of the awesome items since it's based on how high your luck is. Sometimes it's just pretty random too. I got lucky and got a lot of the best items super fast and easy.

  7. Lol I like your playstyle. =P Also, i'm not a big fan of any of the Reach maps either. I feel like almost every map has a point or section that one team keeps hold of. In past Halo games it felt like people were more likely to play across the entire map. In Reach it's a lot more beneficial to hold a certain point. I also just don't like some of them that much. I don't hate Reach though.


    Welcome to 343.org btw.=P

  8. I've always enjoyed smaller communities. It sucks at first when not many people are on or active but then the site starts growing a following. The community is usually a lot more tight knit and helpful towards one another.


    On other sites people sort of create factions/groups. The mindset of some of these people is like you're either competitive or casual and these 2 groups can never be friends. That mindset is also dumb and ignorant. Not everyone has to always get along or agree with each other or like the same things. But we're all fans of the same series. Even if we want/like different things about the series, can't we just agree to disagree and just continue to support the series all the same?

  9. I'm super depressed. I HAD all the Halo 2 maps downloaded. I had gotten them on my old account right before the xbox servers were shut down. They were on my old account and I no longer use that account and it was also on my old 360 and they just got lost.@_@ Depressinggg. My boyfriend has the maps on disc though I think.

  10. @Ganon-I'd love to meet him. He seems pretty cool and laid back. Like I said, it seems like he really cares about the series. I'm putting my faith in him and 343. I'm not too sure about the MP though I think it looks loads better than Reach's*not really happy about Promethean Vision though >_>* but i'll just have to wait and see.:3 I'm sure the campaign will be awesome.


    I really love some of the music i've heard from H4 so far. I like it a lot better than Reach's music.

  11. LOL. NOOB.


    I'm replaying RE0 and then i'm going to play through the rest of the series. While i'm here with my BF I may only play 0, 1, 2, and 3. I'd like to play Veronica and 4 back home since I own them on XBLA. Then my BF has to play 5 with me. We have to beat it on Professional to get him his Platinum on PS3 and I want the Platinum too. When I first owned RE5 on 360 I was one achievement away from 100% and that was Professional...however, they then added all the DLC achievements so I never got it. That's one thing I like about trophies on PS3. Only the original trophies count towards the Platinum. After a game has DLC you could have like..75% trophies but have the Platinum.


    Also, I saw it. Awesome!=o Lucky.x.x

  12. Ok Hellfire, since you asked, i'm going to do a summary of RE.=D I'm not going to go 100% into detail. I haven't beaten the DS game which is part of the main series and I haven't beaten the spin-offs nor have I read all of the books. RE also has tons of characters so there may be some I leave out like different S.T.A.R.S members, police officers, doctors, family members, etc.


    So the series started with RE1 but then they later made RE0 which is a prequel.


    RE0 stars Rebecca Chambers who is a rookie member of S.T.A.R.S*she just recently joined* and she's also the medic. She was part of S.T.A.R.S Bravo team and they were sent to investigate the murders occurring in the Arklay Mountains but their helicopter crashes in a forest. In the forest they find a military vehicle and the officers were murdered. Through documents they find out that they military officers were transporting Billy Coen who was believed to have killed 22 people and they were taking him to be executed.


    The Bravo team splits up to look for Billy. Rebecca finds a train that ends up being infested with zombies. Her and Billy explore it together even though she doesn't quite trust him. The train ends up crashing and they end up at am Umbrella Research facility. They explore the facility trying to escape but also start discovering what Umbrella was doing. Through documents you find out that Ozwell E. Spencer, James Marcus and Edward Ashford discovered the Progenitor virus which causes rapid mutations when combined with the Ebola virus. Ashford wanted to use the virus to help handicapped people but after he died, Marcus and Spencer start trying to use it for bio-weapons. They combine it with leech DNA which ends up evolving into the T(tyrant)-virus.


    The main antagonist of RE0 was Marcus. It turns out that after running that facility for 10 years, he was assassinated by 2 members of umbrella*William Birkin and Albert Wesker*. His queen leech that he had ends up combining with his DNA and it basically restores him and keeps him alive.


    Rebecca and Billy get separated and Rebecca ends up meeting up with a member of Bravo team, Enrico Marini. He tells her about a mansion that Umbrella uses for research that's not too far from the facility. He wants her to follow him but she instead goes after Billy. In the game she comes to trust Billy and asks if he really murdered all those people. What really happened was Billy's team was sent out to attack a guerilla team. A lot of his team died along the way and there were only 4 of them left. It turns out that they were given wrong intel and there was no guerilla team. What they found was an innocent village. His superior didn't want them to go home empty handed so he ordered them to kill everyone in the village but Billy refused. I don't know if he attacked his superior or not but I know that he got blamed for the murders and was really innocent.


    The 2 basically fight their way through the facility and end up killing Marcus/the queen leech. Rebecca lets Billy go free because she believes he is innocent and she goes to investigate the Arklay Mansion.


    That's RE0. I suck at summarizing soo i'll wait to type the others because it will become a huge wall of text lol.

  13. Yup! There's 4 DLCs. The first one*zombies* and the last one*claptrap DLC* were the best. The other one was ok and then there was one that was pretty much just an arena. Me, my boyfriend and our friend were going for all the achievements but the arena ones are ridiculous. The one arena thing goes on for like an hour or more I think.@_@


    It's a fun game though. There isn't much of a story but there are tons of weapons, quests, some fun vehicles and lots of humour. Plus there is a sequel coming out that looks even better.


    The leveling in Dead Island is actually very similar to Borderlands. It actually looks almost just the same.=P Both games have the leveling tree. If you liked Dead Island then you'd probably like Borderlands. The art style is a bit different, it's a bit older and it's more humourous.

  14. :D Bungie IMO is the best company in the world and i love collecting their stuff. When i met them they didn't show any Ego poster and frankie was a lot more opened with that company <3 Frankie is still a cool dude in my book.


    I agree the story is very important and i think 343i will do a superb job at the story for Halo 4. Im just worried about the balance in MP.


    The event i went to i get most of that Halo swag from Its called Pax Prime and bungie has been to pretty much all of them.

    343i had one last year called Halo fest and they did a good job creating the event but meeting some of the community had its was ups and downs :/


    Not to sound like a downer but i prefer a company with a awesome personality. The creativity is more unique when the personalities out shine the creation. :D My words of philosophy.

    :D Bungie IMO is the best company in the world and i love collecting their stuff. When i met them they didn't show any Ego poster and frankie was a lot more opened with that company <3 Frankie is still a cool dude in my book.


    I agree the story is very important and i think 343i will do a superb job at the story for Halo 4. Im just worried about the balance in MP.


    The event i went to i get most of that Halo swag from Its called Pax Prime and bungie has been to pretty much all of them.

    343i had one last year called Halo fest and they did a good job creating the event but meeting some of the community had its was ups and downs :/


    Not to sound like a downer but i prefer a company with a awesome personality. The creativity is more unique when the personalities out shine the creation. :D My words of philosophy.

    I've never met any of them so I can't judge them personally. From what i've seen I think Frankie seems like an awesome guy and he really seems to care about the Halo franchise.


    I think the story will be awesome too. I think the MP looks better in comparison to Reach but yeah, i'm definitely worried about balance. I'll be getting the game no matter what. After playing Reach again lately, I decided that if H4's MP is really similar to Reach's or worse, then after H4 i'll probably just be done with MP. I'll continue to play the campaigns as long as they're good but if they don't balance out the MP properly then I don't know if I can really see myself playing it in the future.


    I can still enjoy myself with Reach but there are just so many frustrations sometimes.@_@ Though a huge chunk of that is the people I get paired with. I admittedly was playing like garbage the last 2 days also.


    Yeah some of the community seems kind of blah.=/


    And definitely. If you have a great personality I think that will definitely shine through.

  15. @Ganon and Brute-Yes I agree. I think it'd be awesome if Forge would have different textures, the ability to have grass, dirt, water, trees, etc*to be able to place these yourselves*, different tiles/colours for the walls and floor and just maybe other different options when it comes to the structures you can build.


    People have made some awesome stuff with Forge as it is. I would LOVE to see what people could do given more options. On top of that, the levels wouldn't look so bland and you'd be able to notice more of a difference between them.


    @Hellfire-Lol. Are you serious?=P I'll totally do a summary if you want.


    @Rentless-Lol! Thanks. I talk a lot.=P


    @Ganon-If I talked less then life would be less interesting!

  16. Borderlands is fun. There are some few glitches and there isn't much of a story but you should be able to get the GOTY edition for 20-30 bucks new. It comes with all 4 DLCs.


    It even has a zombie DLC.=D

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