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Posts posted by RelevantWolf

  1. The reason there is all this hate is because the game is not made by Bungie. They think that Halo will be "ruined" and not be great. They say they are true Halo fans, but they really aren't. I am accepting that 343 Industries is making the game and I think the game will be awesome. True Halo fans would accept change. I think change is good. Yes, everyone wants it to be like Halo 3, but if it was, why even make a new game?


    Ah, good sir, I have made several points on this topic as well, people will hate 343i Industries for their own reasons. However, what they can not deny is that the gameplay demo was perhaps the best display of futuristic, sci-fi-like gameplay with a smooth graphics system since Halo 3 was announced to be "the best graphics xbox has to offer". Nonetheless, as for the others that still hate 343 simply because of the fact that they are not Bungie, or that they are "turning Halo into CoD" (which sounds ridiculous), I have come to a conclusion that minds are more easily changed by visual example - what they see will make them believe. When Halo 4 comes out and the millions of fans and dounters buy the game - I can say that (considering what my uncle has told me about Halo 4) 343 industries will have the trust of those delinquent doubters who are ignorant of what truly is a good game (too much Call of Duty for them I reckon).

  2. Minecraft hits the xbox live marketplace for 1600 microsoft points come May 9th, 2012.

    "It may seem like a rip off at first but apparently the coop is much better than the PC version and you dont have to pay for servers." -IGN

    I suggest getting it, $20 for a game that is normally $30 over the interneton the PC is a deal. I cant wait to play Minecraft on my console pretty soon here.


    As for Battlefield 1943, I really recommend it, I got to top rank in that game, and I stil go back to it today, it is (or once was) one of the most played arcade games when it was released. A lot of people still play it, it plays just like other Battlefield games (apart from customisable classes) and overall it's a better time period. I reckon they beat Call of Duty: World at War with just this arcade game. :)

  3. Hello once more,

    I am RelevantWolf (David in real life) reporting to you once more. If you have not heard of me (again) please check out my other topics as well, in order to get an idea of how I do things.

    Over the days that have passed, I have come back and forth between Halo: Reach, Halo CE Anniversary, Fable 2 & 3, Civilization and Doom 3. One day as I was browsing the file browser on Halo: Reach's most downloaded and Most Recommended categories, I found a lot of topics concerning the Elites in Halo 4 multiplayer, and their appearance in Halo 4.


    Now, I know what you are thinking, "Not another one of these god-forsaken posts complaining about Elites being in Halo 4 or not! Ugh!" I am here to say, that I am only here to inform and give my point of view and not to rant on about a small ideal. Anyway, getting back on topic, let's examine what I have seen on the File Browser lately. I have seen all sorts from threatening to boycott Halo, to even people raging about the Elites in Halo 4. Here are some quotations that I have seen from these screenshots; keep in mind that these are directly quoted and are not fabricated information.


    "343 Industries is going to destroy Halo! They are taking out the Elites!"

    "This is the way the world ends. 343i is destroying Halo."

    "343 you better have Elites in Halo 4!"

    "343 please don't take out the Elites from multiplayer! They are important to Halo."

    "If Elites are in Halo 4. Then it's not Halo."

    "343 sucks! They are destroying Halo (No elites)!"


    I realize that most of you may have questions, one of them does not mention Elites, but in the quotation stating, "This is the way the world ends...", it features an Elite with blocks made into "343" set into flames. The Elite protest is one of concern, particularily for those who have started on Halo:Reach and midway through Halo 3. Since Halo: Reach's main focus was to reveal how the Elites and the Humans came to wage war (a prequel to the Halo franchise), Bungie stated that they were going to focus on the Elites; they were going to make them bigger, and better, causing the Spartans to seem inferior to the Elites. Perhaps a reason for a sudden uprising and protestant movement that Elites in Halo 4's multiplayer will be gone, is primarily because (again) we are unable to accept Halo without Covenant. Simply because "It's just not Halo." But ask yourself this, how many games have stuck to ONE main enemy? It's Hald and Half correct? On one hand you have Call of Duty (that has always changed story wise(excluding Modern warfare), Battlefield, and some others that have always evolved enemy wise. On the other hand, you have Halo, Mass Effect, Gears of War, etc. all the games whose enemy has not changed over a series of games.


    Now ask yourself this, if Gears of War were to come out with a completely new plot, story, and enemy, how many of you would be able to accept it as Gears of War? Most of you will say, "Well without locusts Gears of War is not... Gears of War." yet, you haven't even given it a proper chance to introduce itself, anf try the game. However, the other percentage of you will say, "Awesome! I can still play Gears and it will feel brand new!". Relate this to Halo, we tend to think one-track minded, we must open out minds to the possibilities of a new Halo storyline. let's get realistic, how many of you have gotten tired of Call of Duty? In my opinion, it is because one thing hardly changed: multiplayer and storyline. If you want my further reasoning of this, I will explain in another topic.


    As for the rest of you that are concerned and worried that Halo might not be Halo, I have my concerns as well. But not because Halo is taking away Elites. I am going to try to get you thinking: DON'T YOU THINK IT WAS TIME FOR A CHANGE? Think about it, if Halo continued with an alternate story with the Covenant as playing a role in multiplayer (being the main enemy in campaign), and being every aspect of Halo once more, how many of you would get bored of that? Honestly, I would, a lack of new enemies brings less and less excitement to a game. Take for instance, the Final Fantasy franchise (warning for final fantasy lovers: this is my opinion). How many games has Final Fantasy had now? How old has it gotten because nothing has really changed, excluding a few more features and characters? Could you relate this to Halo?


    Perhaps though, this new enemy will bring new challenges to the average Halo player. I see two ways that this could end with 343 Industries: Either a very bad enemy and game, OR a very challenging enemy but still a fun game. Yes, I am sad as well to depart from the Elites, as I enjoy killing them in Halo Anniversary... hearing those unnecessary "worts" and cheesy screams. But we must welcome this new liberalism to Halo 4, and embrace it, we cannot simply turn our backs on Halo entirely just because a few things are added/ taken away. Reason with yourselves; acceptance is key to overcoming this. Perhaps 343 will create something for Elite lovers in the future, but that wil have to wait, and we will have to see.


    Thanks for reading, if you have any questions, please send me a message.


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  4. Well, by watching the reveal trailer, I cannot make a lot of judgements. The plot of the campaign looks good, although, I have to say that Black Ops was only good for two things: Zombies, and Campaign. The multiplayer (in my opinion) was not at all good, I played and got a decent ratio (2.12 kd) but I quickly got tired of the Call of Duty Franchise with it's repetitive multiplayer experience. I am more of a Battlefield fan myself, DICE has always made better games (excluding MW1) than Treyarch or Infinity Ward ever has.


    More information needs to be released before I can make a final judgement, but since Treyarch is making it, I can expect to see the same old Call of Duty: Campers, noobs (little kids that know every curse word in the book), and try-hards. Although we do see this on Halo and Battlefield, it is not so common (from my experience) in these games.


    But at this moment, I am boycotting the Call of Duty franchise, only because I am tired of hastily wasting my life on a game that takes little-to-no-skill, and getting mad at all these little things. I want a game that I can sit back, relax, try hard when I want to (and own teh noobz), talk with friends, mess around, have fun and still be able to experience an AWESOME multiplayer experience; rather than little kids telling me that I'm "a ******* ******** for using gun X". Right now, these games are: Halo, Battlefield, Fable, Civilization, and some others. I think that several gaming companies nowadays are forgetting the one thing that makes a video game... well... a video game: a fun, entertaining, relaxing, community-revolved, experience. Remember the first time you had your buddies over to play Halo 1 just to mess around with the vehicles and laugh endlessly because your warthog did 19 barrel rolls at 50 ft in the air? Remember that first time you played Halo 3 on xbox live with your friends and still could have fun as a group competitively as well? Sadly enough, I do not see this in CoD, at all. Maybe now they are trying to copy Halo and it's community-revolved social gaming, but it is failing; rather horribly.


    I honestly anticipate the new Medal of Honor will be better than this new installment of Call of Duty.

  5. Halo Wars 2 is dead. The idea died and copyright died with Ensemble Studios, so I wouldn't expect a Halo Wars 2. (I would know this because I've followed Halo and Ensemble Studios since they were making pixelated Age of Empires games!). However, I can't come to the conclusion that Halo may be able to continue after that point. ANYTHING could happen, for example, 343 could pull a Bungie and yet another company takes over Halo. But honestly, after 4-6, Halo would become (almost) like Final Fantasy. Almost 10-15 games of the same franchise! If you catch my drift, Halo has to end at some point. If it does, oh well, a good run! If it doesn't...


    100 YEARS OF HALO! :)

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  6. Sir, you're thread is completlely biast. All I can give you is opinions and facts but I will, however, do my best to explain to you how biast this topic is. You are only looking at the negatives, let us take a look at the plus sides, and after affects of updating Halo Reach.

    First of all, I don't know about your gameplay style, but I became easily frustrated with the bloom at some points on Reach. The DMR simply bloomed to much, and the Human assault rifle was, for once, useless. Now, I'm not a bad player, I average 2.0 k/d ratio since the update from 343i improved some things. I love the title update, to be honest, I think perhaps you are just frustrated because you die more from good players that loved using the DMR. The weapons have greatly improved since. Bashing through shields was always a Halo thing, but before the update, you had to punch twice, 1 for the shield, and another 2 for Health. Sometimes the shield would be a centimeter towards depletion and you would still have to punch out the shields! Bullocks! Now, with the update, there aren't so many overpowered weapons anymore in Reach, regarding the dmr. The Banshee used to be a heart stopper for those who simply got slaughtered. Now, we can take out a Banshee easily, and more ground fighting (similar to Halo 2 and 3) can be done.


    Secondly, I think you do not give enough details and FACTUAL information as to why you think 343 "sucks". Are you aware of Halo CE Anniverary? It is the GREATEST remake of all time? AND 343 was behind it. Also, after Bungie day, I saw a MAJOR decrease in players, I sat in my seat (practically) as I watched Halo Reach die slowly. With updates, 343i revived Halo Reach; before there were (at most) 35,000 players online before 343i update Halo Reach to meet the demands of the community. AFTER the update 120,000 people play Halo Reach daily? Why is this? Because 343 did a wonderful job! Let's take, for instance, the Title Updates for several playlists that NEEDED these updates, like Team Slayer, BTB, Objective, and living dead. These playlists could've easily been fixed by Bungie, all the problems with the unbalance of Halo Reach caused gamers to recede from halo because of simply being boring. But now it's fun! It's better than ever! And with friends, I can play for hours on end again!


    Finally, there is a skill you must have to be a gamer. ADAPTATION. Although your testimony is vague about where you see the problems. ZB Slayer was simply made to accomodate a community's opinion. If the community likes it, it will be done, if not, 343 knows what to do then. As for me, Swat literally takes no such skill (in my opinion), I get too many kills, too easily in Swat. I consider Swat as a safe haven for "those who want to get away from raging at Call of Duty". It is NOT Halo (again my opinion). Why don't you try other game types? Of course you are going to get mad if you play the same thing over and over! Because then you focus on small factors like "omfg! He's a CAMPER!" and other such illogical quanderies.


    343i has definitely improved Halo. And with Halo 4 coming out in November. I am ready to see what 343i has in store for us Halo fans.

    • Like 2
  7. Hello all once more,

    If you still do not know me, I am RelevantWolf (thats my gamertag at least) however, my real name is David. I recently posted a topic ("Halo 4 - Supported or Nay? Most Pix on Halo say Nay) concerning the Reach community's response to the Halo 4 game and New Trilogy starting this November 6th, of 2012. This is a continuation of that topic as I have come to experienced several confrontations with "those who believe Halo is turning into CoD". To be honest, I had very few mature, logical confrontations (I always try my best to be mature and logical throughout all of this) with the leaders of these protestant movements. For those of you that didn't read my last topic, you will not know what I am talking about, so here is afew sample quotes from screenshots found on the "Most Downloaded" and "Most Recommended" sections of the File Browser:


    "343 is turning Halo into CoD! Dwnld/Rcmnd if you agree!"

    "343 is ruining Halo! I can't even recognize Halo anymore!"


    There was also another newer screenshot that I came across stating "This is the way the world ends." (Obviously a reference from Halo 3) and revealing 343 with fire in the background. The description under it states, "343 is ruining Halo, recommend this and download so they can see us!". Of this, I was quite intrigued. Halo: Reach is recovering for a recent gameplay recession. For example, in mid November - January of last year to this year, Halo: Reach topped 40,000 players at the most online (a month or so after Bungie Day). However, after several updates were made to the game (by 343 indutries) the game now tops 100,000 per day on average. But it is still not as many as when the game was released, when it topped 200,000; nonetheless, 343 did a great job with updates.

    Getting back on track now, I was amazed by the complete ignorance of the community, upon talking to the leaders of these protestant Halo 4 movements, I found that what they had heard was GREATLY EXAGGERATED on SEVERAL POINTS. Here are some of my favorite quotes that I wrote down while they talked: (Keep in mind that this is a REAL conversation and not fabricated).


    Them: "Halo 4 is going to be CoD, and that's that. Weapon customisation was never a part of Halo! They are ruining it by adding these stupid things like armor abilities, which I never liked, it's stupid and not Halo. Halo has always been just simply picking up weapons and firing at the enemy, I am going to boycott Halo if they go through with Halo 4 because honestly it seems as if Halo will not be Halo anymore. And I'm just getting started.


    My Response: "Really? Well let me elaborate on what you're saying here, however, I think you are just ignorant of several pieces of information such as there will be no weapon customisation! 343 would never do that to Halo, in fact, I think they are minimizing the effects of more customisation in Halo! You aren't, and it has been confirmed by Gameinformer magazine, going to customise every living aspect like Call of Duty! The only thing you are going to be customising is loadouts, which are entirely different from weapon customisation.


    Them: Well then, that's stupid. You know why? Because someone could use a shotgun and rocket launcher or Sniper Rifle ALL the time and kill you with it! Don't you think that is a little over powered." (this interrupted me)


    My Response: "That is not the case, you have it all wrong, if you read the Gameinformer magazine you would know that Power Weapons, which include the Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, and other new power weapons will be dropped via weapon pod, at random points of the map. So guess what? NO ONE will spawn with a rocket launcher! Everyone will still have to pick up weapons, no improvements will be made to these weapons during customisation. 343 IS Bungie, they have been there since the beginning and they know what Halo is."


    Them: "Oh... I didn't know that. I guess that's cool. Kind of like Gears of War right? So what weapons will you be able to choose? What armor abilities will be available? I heard ALL the ones from Reach are going to be in there, and I, for one, DO NOT like ARMOR LOCK! It pisses me off! Honestly, I think armor abilities are just like Perks from Modern Warfare."


    My Response: "Armor abilities are nothing like Perks from MW2/3. Here's why. For one, you don't see a Spartan running around with Fast Reload ans Stealth Pro do you? Armor lock, it has been confirmed, WON't be in Halo 4 for sure. All you will see is Jetpack, Hologram, Active Camo, and Forerunner Vision. Basically all the armor abilities from Halo Reach excluding stupid armor lock. The weapon/ loadout customisation thing is held to a minumum, basically, all you will get is the Assault rifle, the BR, the DMR, some pistols, and standard covy weapons from Halo 3. Nothing overpowered. Basically like Gears.


    Them: "Well... (long pause) what about Spartan Ops and Classic playlists? Will they have forge, theater, and firefight?"


    My Response: "Spartan Ops is nothing like Modern Warfare's Spec Ops, in my opinion and in several cases, Call of Duty stole from Halo! It is basically a multiplayer side storyline that will be updated weekly. As for forge, and theater, they will have those with new features available, simply because 343 supports machinima and RvB. As for firfight, sadly, there are no dedicated 343 information on firefight. But you can expect a great multiplayer experience just like any other Halo and not experience any so what comparison to CoD."




    So, considering the conversation was one of several, I only managed to convert the minds of 3 who would actually listen. Does this mean that most of the leaders of the Halo 4 Protest movements are purely of ignorance and use of hyperbolic language to persuade the other Halo fans that Halo 4 will be a disaster?

    To those on this forum that are supportive of the protestant movement, I have but one thing to say to you; consider.

    Let's face it. Halo CE Anniversary was the best remake ever! The Campaign of the Decade! And guess who did it? 343.

    Again, I am inching towards a conclusion that perhaps we are just afraid of new features. Sevral have even brought up my concern as well. However, I am sure 343 has Halo 4 in it's pocket. But again. I am concerned of the Halo Reach community. The updates got more people to play. But People are reluctant to acknowledge 343 as it's liberator. 343 revitalised halo Reach! If it wasn't for their updates, Reach would be a ghost town!


    Thanks for reading


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  8. Hello all,

    Most of you don't know who I am, so allow me to introduce myself. I am David, a truly dedicated Halo fan (not an obsessive one that buys costumes and ridiculous items) but a fan nonetheless. I found, as I have been browsing the file browser of Halo: Reach that most of the community does not support 343 Industries and their struggle to continue Halo and, hopefully, make it better than it ever was in the past. Now, I am no critic, but I consider 343 Industries is doing a wonderful job on Halo 4 on several levels - thus I came here to prove my case in hopes of arguing the fact that "Halo will be Call of Duty" or "343 is ruining Halo" as many of the Reach community advertise. 343, I ask that you pay attention, and close attention to what I will say and what the community says, sure, most opinions cannot change, but with proper actions, may be mind - changing.


    While browsing the File Browser on Reach, I was in disbelief when I saw that 343 was being ridiculed! I saw many of the following statements made:

    "343 is turning Halo into CoD!"

    "343 is ruining Halo! I can't recognize the game anymore!"

    "Help us tell 343 that they are ruining Halo! Recommend Now!"

    "343 Sucks!"

    "Halo 4 will be a disaster!"


    And so on.


    I would like to retaliate my opinion against these (by supporting 343) for Halo 4 and the new Halo trilogy that is to come. I understand clearly that, perhaps, 343 is not trying to make Halo look like CoD. In my honest opinion, Halo has never been like CoD, the only similarity between Halo and CoD is that they are both first person shooters, NOTHING MORE. Halo has always been a place for fun, community activities and hosting maps that have no correlation to the game (like super happy fun slide, or Cops and robbers) as well as maintaining a competitive feel for online game play. I always enjoyed the semi - large maps of Halo, with vehicles that bounced unnecessarily. A thriving community is what CoD lacks that Halo has. On another note, the weapons of Halo have always tested the skill, the true skill, of an individual player, those who are mad, in my opinion, simply are too used to Call of Duty's Aiming system and cant handle firing based on the redicule. 343 has definitely, also, helped Halo Reach and it's issues with the Title Updates.


    "343 is ruining Halo! I can't recognize the game anymore!"

    This statement is what intrigued me the most. In my opinion, honestly, 343 has made Halo look more like it is within it's time era! I mean, reason with yourselves, Halo takes place in the 26th Century, do you really think a super powered Spartan is going to look like another soldier with just extra armor? No! A super soldier should look awesome, god like, and look like a hero among heroes. Not like a scrawny army soldier with gel padding and shields. Other pictures on the File Browser suggest that 343 cannot handle Halo. Well, I honestly think that all Halo fans out there, including me, are just scared that another company (not Bungie) is running the Halo show. I mean, who wouldn't be? This strange transition between companies, I have come to reason with myself, has NO EFFECT on Halo all and in itself.


    Take a look at 343, they are compromised of old Bungie members, and Microsoft employees; like the Allstate guy says "It's in good hands!". Of course, I realize and acknowledge that 343 is in a tight spot with Halo, and they realize that this can go two ways. Either they make Halo into a bigger, better franchise and story, or... they mess it up for good. But after reading the preview of what the first Halo 4 mission is like, I bet that 343 has a 90% chance of making Halo into a better franchise. Issue 229 of Gameinformer magazine previews Halo 4. It looks unmistakably promising. The textures, graphics, gameplay, visuals, and planned storyline of the game will definitely propell the Halo franchise back to a living state. Perhaps, into something more.


    But the disapproval of the old, long time Halo fans, is what is bringing 343 down. I can only hope that 343 truly suceeds, and shows those who disapprove of the new Halo triology a nice piece of gaming that they will always remember. Like Halo CE. I implore 343 to read through this as well as other fans of Halo, who truly think that Halo is taking a step in the right direction, and for 343 to take actions towards disapproving fans.


    As for me, I fear that Halo Reach will be long dead without constant updates and content before Halo 4 launches, which means bad news for 343 Industries. 343, Halo is your responsibility now, do not drown out the voices of the community, for they are what defines your game.





    ~See you starside!~

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