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Delete This Account

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Posts posted by Delete This Account

  1. I fit into all positive/What you want categories, reclaimer. This post is well-structured with occasional errors, but negligible.


    At any rate, I am interested in joining, who would I speak to in order to do so?


    On the other hand, my time zone is Central (-6:00 GMT) so I may not be on 'as long' or when specific members of the clan are on. I hope this is of no concern to you.


    If my Gamertag is required; KSI Haze Lurker.


    P.S I am no longer in KSI due to the fractured infrastructure and lack of discipline and intellectual members within said clan. I have not got around to buying enough microsoft points to purchase a new gamertag.



    I noticed some of my grammatical errors but was too lazy to change them. Better writer than all of the jibber-jabber I've typed up above.


    Anywho, you can contact me by sending a message to HomicidalWhales. That's my account and my responses to those interested in my clan are pretty swift.


    Hope to hear from you soon,


    Synergy Clan Leader


    How many warriors does your clan hold? Anyhow, I would like a clan match.


    Please get back to me with relevant data.

    Around 20, currently.


    If you'd like to schedule a clan match, I guess you can contact me on at Xbox Live at HomicidalWhales once you see me online.


    Hope to hear more from you soon,


    Synergy Clan Leader

  2. Greetings,


    Allow me to tell you about Synergy ("SYNY", for short).


    Background Synergy is an established and structured' date=' mature [i']Halo[/i] clan with only quite a few members right now. Our previous clan name was Global Dominators, but in preparation for Halo 4 and to "renew" the atmosphere, I decided to rename the clan Synergy.


    Back in the day, Global Dominators wasn't the biggest clan nor the greatest. We were still small, but at one point were able to reach over 50 clan members. However, this was short-lived due to my one-month absence and a dispute within the clan that split the community apart. After my return to Halo 3 the following month, the clan got smaller and smaller so I decided to disband it. It was brought back up again and it stayed small, but didn't live through the release of Halo: Reach. After a bit of contemplation, I decided to bring it back for the third time and vowed to stick with it and work hard on it.


    Synergy is now recruiting for more players to come join a clan with many high endeavors to achieve.


    Vision & Goals Synergy prides itself into being one of the most social' date=' friendly, experienced and helpful members in the gaming community and we'll have those qualities within us in-game. One of our many goals has always been to put emphasis on the person before the player to create a tight-knit, supportive family of gamers from around the globe who genuinely care about their clan-mates. Here at Synergy, we also feel that it is not what you achieve, but who you achieve it with that really counts in the end, and that fond memories with friendly people will have more of a lasting impact than being in a game first with a group of rude and selfish individuals.


    It is time that Synergy prepares itself in gaming and administration, and through personal interactions over many online services via our website, Xbox Live, email, etc. With a functional and efficient ranking and government structure being setup, and with helpful, skilled, intelligent, friendly and caring group of players from around the world, we are prepared to surpass the future hurdles placed before us as a community.


    More of our goals are to focus on personal and clan-wide progression into the games we play, and to expand into a multi-gaming clan that will let specific players who are interested to join in GameBattles' latters and to progress in them. Our community playdates and events will be conducted on a scheduled-and-free-setup basis, too, which will make it easy for the majority of our players to attend and participate. We will, as a serious and fun gaming clan, aim to participate zealously in each games multiplayer and community events.


    So if it has not yet been understood by the reader, let it be known that Synergy aims not only to dominate the gaming scene while excelling in personal and team goals, but to do all things with respect to one another and those we encounter along the journey. You can always expect a warm welcome from our members as we all move about in [i']Halo: Reach[/i] and the upcoming Halo 4.


    Who We Want If you fit these types of personalities then you'd be perfect to join the clan!

    • Team players.
    • Contributors.
    • Motivated and dedicated people.
    • People that knows how to have fun.
    • Capable and self-sufficient gamers.
    • Respectful' date=' polite and mature individuals.[/list']
    Who We Don't Want Please don't join if you're going to be these kinds of players' date=' who certainly make a community's atmosphere quite... distasteful.
    Drama queens.
    Lazy and inactive people.
    Annoying squeakers.
    Elitists (In the "I am the best, you are inferior" definition).


    Questions & Answers I bet after reading a load of information I have typed above' date=' you have some general questions that you'd like answers to. Let me provide you with a list with known questions you may have:

    [list'][*]How old do I have to be to join? There is no age requirement to join Synergy. However, the way you present yourself in-game will certainly affect your eligibility to join the clan. If you are a mature squeaker rather than an annoying squeaker, you exponentially increase your chances into being accepted into Synergy.

    [*]Where does the clan's location and time originate? East Coast/Eastern Standard Time.

    [*]Can I be in more than one clan? Yes and no. Right now, our only gaming division is Halo: Reach. If you would like to join a clan that's in Call of Duty: Black Ops, that's totally okay unless they require you to quit this clan. However, if you'd like to be in a second clan in Halo: Reach that will not be possible.

    [*]Will I have to stay in uniform (motto, bio, etc.)? The only uniform that is required of you is your motto or your bio, and your emblem and emblem colors. You are able to change your emblem and what-not if you have to do a machinima that will require you to change it, but I expect for you to revert back to your emblem and its colors once the machinima shoot is over. As for armor, service tag, etc., you will have total freedom over that, especially your gamertag!

    [*]Do I have to have a mic? No, you don't. However, if you don't have a mic that will limit you from participating in some things and in order to show that you won't need a mic for a majority of the time, you will have to listen to your superiors and comrades 100% to gain their trust and respect.

    [*]Will I be able to recruit others? Yes, but please be sure to refer them to the clan's 1st-in-command. You aren't required to recruit others, but if you do the clan leaders and officers will evaluate them and see if they're eligible to be in the clan.

    [*]Will a website be setup in the future? Of course! We'll also be looking for artists and designers who'd like to help with the website! A paid domain is something we're looking forward to in the future, too.

    [*]Are there going to be clan tournaments, prizes, skirmishes and training days in the future? Definitely! One of our main goals is to create a tight-knit community full of gamers and to befriend each other on a personal level.

    [*]How are community playdates setup? At the moment, they are setup randomly each week but I make sure to check how many clan members are on before I initiate a playdate at the very moment I attempt to set one up.

    [*]Why should I join this clan/Why should I leave my other clan for this one? Well, our requirements aren't strict and our officers and leaders are pretty lenient. We're looking to expand in so many ways, and if you're an extremely experienced player with a possible knowledge on how to manage clans then you may guarantee yourself a spot on our future Council or with an Officer position. You'd be a fool to not take advantage on the opportunities and potential this clan has.

    [*]What if I have a question that hasn't been answered on this list? Contact me! I will provide details on how to contact me below!


    Contact Us! You can send me a message on Xbox Live to <HomicidalWhales>' date=' or email me at [email protected].[/quote']
  3. Has anyone here noticed an absence of comedic machinimas in the Halo universe? And how Halo action machinimas somewhat revolve around the same thing? In my opinion, I haven't seen many comedic machinimas being produced by the machinima community, and many action machinimas have accepted this ideology that makes them all somewhat revolve around the same thing.


    I'll Start Off with the Comedies I know comedic machinimas are difficult to pull off because you want your viewers to laugh, and that's the point of a machinima of such a genre. Whether it's a series or a short, writing comedies is difficult. Comedy had the broadest appeal in the Halo machinima community, and the comedic atmosphere has seem to fallen since the decline of machinima and Halo 3; probably the same time commentaries and gameplays made their meteoric rise (2009 anyone?).


    I'm not going to touch on commentaries and gameplays since this is a discussion about machinima and everyone's views.


    Noticing how it is so hard to write a machinima of an extraordinary caliber, why not get a team together to write and produce one? Is comedy a good way to generate more attention to machinima again? Is anyone writing one right now? What do you think?


    Secondly, the Action Machinimas As for action machinimas, a lot of them revolve around the same thing(s). I get how it's a whole lot easier to just be shooting at each other and making things explode, but when scratching the surface on what the machinima is about it might make us think if it's really all that great. In these machinimas we see these characters that barely get any development in them whatsoever (if any). The voice acting adds to another layer of work which could be another cause that may blind the viewers by touching on what should be seen in these machinimas—and it could either be character development, more plot development, possibly better dialogue, better writing, and/or others.


    If the character goes through a heroic sacrifice, I may not care at all if he or she dies because he or she, like all the others, have been shooting the enemy like the rest of the characters we've seen in that machinima. If there isn't that much put into the character (statically or dynamically), he or she is just gonna be another one of those characters that dies like the rest in the background.


    Generally speaking, the viewers of such machinimas with many explosions and deaths appeal to them.


    So far the ideology of these Halo action machinimas normally go like this:

    • Set on a UNSC Colony Planet, The Covenant begin making their attacks. Feeling the tense heat of the battle, forgettable commanding figures call for help.
    • A specialized SPARTAN, ODST or Marine Squad is sent in to deal with the situation which usually consists of a Generic Team Captain, a Marksman, a Heavy Weapons Specialist, a Grenadier and a Barbie Doll technician. They gain the upper hand in the conflict and learn a bit more about the enemy.
    • The failures from the Covenant Forces are reported back to a Zealot Rank Elite/Sangheili who he/she then takes matters into their own hands.
    • Short and pointless emotional developments between the Lead Male Protagonist and a Female Subordinate Major Supporting Character which gives a sense of love in the air.
    • ONI gives the squad a special mission. They are then sent to a special facility. A final battle between the Covenant Forces and the Squad occur, thereafter.
    • The Zealot Rank leader comes along and almost or successfully kills a member of the squad. Protagonist gets angry and kills the Zealot leader.
    • The squad then destroys or retrieves a "Forerunner" or Alien Artifact that could supposedly win the war. They head back to headquarters and the story ends.

    This has become the norm of most Halo: Reach machinimas and this has become a major issue. There's hardly a chance for us viewers to experience something new because most machinimas revolve around the Halo timeline—and it's funny how the machinima will state something along the lines: "Does not revolve around the Halo story" yet, it quite actually does. Most machinimas like these make me mark them as a FILLER because it isn't depicted in the Halo canon, and one can deem the machinima as a filler if it contains any relation in any way, shape or form to the Halo Universe. We really do not have to focus a majority of our attention to making the stories strictly limited to the Halo timeline but even then, one can make a successful machinima set in the Halo Universe if they research their materials a bit right.


    This isn't about making something new, but more along the lines of putting a greater effort into these machinimas. I would like to see more originality and/or creativity added into these machinimas. There are machinimas that I do certainly like that go by the ideology of action machinimas I explained above, and it doesn't make me dislike these favorites of mine, but makes me wish there was a greater effort added into these machinimas that many others want like character development, interesting plot twists, cliffhangers that would want people to come back for more, speeches that come from the heart, and no cheesy romance (USE WITH CAUTION). Even though I can point out a lot of flaws in my favorite machinimas (Rise of the Spartans, The Forgotten Spartans), the general fan-base is absolutely blinded by the eye candy and much added action put into these machinimas. I can say I was once blinded by all of this, but now I know many of the flaws that are in these machinimas, but it doesn't bother me with a fiery passion that makes me hate or harshly criticize machinimas like RotS or TFS.


    Since I have a great passion for making action-packed machinimas one day, nothing will stop me from making what I love which is machinima. I'm not gonna become like George "every Star Wars movie I touch is bad" Lucas and give up because I got haters who criticize every single thing I put into my films. I'm going to make Halo machinima to make myself happy, and captivate those who will appreciate what I make—no matter how small the fan-base is that I have.


    I will try my best to create MY machinimas that don't go into Halo lore. I had a friend one day on Xbox Live telling me that he doesn't like action machinimas that don't relate at least somewhat to the Halo lore, and I told him that his opinion was kinda ridiculous (bare in mind that no opinion is ridiculous or sorta). I would like to see some Halo machinimas that are very original unlike those we see today, and maybe see directors use more of the game engine than overuse the eye candy, but what can you say, it gives you a great amount of fans if you make some action machinimas with all that eye candy. Personally, it doesn't bother me too much because I like it, too.


    In the end, it's what the director makes that makes him happy with his action machinima and I don't blame Darknal or Arbiter 617 for that. I certainly do love watching what they create which further accelerates my passion to create action machinimas one day.


    So what's your thoughts about action machinimas?


    Remember to be MINDFUL about both topics, and to respect each and everyone else's opinion! So let's start: /discuss!

  4. I'm having the same issue as Thel'Vadam.


    Step 1) I click the link.

    Step 2) I see my FB profile.

    Step 3) I log-out and click the link again.

    Step 4) I log-in and see my FB profile.

    Step 5) I paste the URL into the Address bar.

    Step 6) I see my FB profile.

    Step 7) I come tell you my frustration step-by-step.

    Step 8 ) need healz plz :(

    I'm still having issues with the link. I'm not sure what's wrong but I can't open the page.

  5. Seems like a cool map, Good job :D

    Thank you! I can't wait till Countries Anniversary hits Halo: Reach hopefully on April 12th. I really wanna hit the anniversary date so I'm gonna stay up and work nonstop on it. I'll also be hosting lobbies for each gametype to make it's way better than its predecessors.

  6. Countries of Reach

    4 Teams. 4 Countries. 1 Winner.


    Hello, everyone. Countries of Reach—or CoR for short—is a popular role-playing game that was created on April 12th, 2011, which was placed on Forge World. I was one of the creators of CoR, the main designer being Sgt Caolan. However, I am sometimes credited as being the main designer of CoR for balancing, promoting, and fixing any and all issues found in CoR.


    In my opinion, CoR has to be one of the most popular RPGs with a big growing fan-base in Halo: Reach. I have seen many versions of CoR, but Sgt Caolan and I always use the version we worked on together (because we just love it so much!). I highly recommend you download and use the updated version of CoR for many reasons stated in the next paragraph.


    The base version of CoR doesn't support the use of Elite characters, and the latest version has many things that have been fixed throughout time like spawning, jail doors, vehicle add-ons, weapon add-ons, base defenses, etc. The current version of CoR not only supports Slayer, but also CTF, Territories, and Assault, which have been recently added for a more entertaining experience with CoR.


    Now I'm about to go in-depth explaining what each gametype is, what CoR is, how to play and rules of the RPG, etc.


    CoR was originally made for 4 Teams. However, for an additional entertaining experience with the role-playing game, I have added Territories and Assault, which only support two teams (Red and Blue). The teams that CoR has is: Red Team (Russia), which is located inside the Coliseum; Green Team (Ireland), which is located on the Island; Gold/Orange Team (Germany), which is located on Alaska; Blue Team (United States of America), which is located near the beach on the Canyon/Hemorrhage.


    Slayer and CTF are very similar to each other, CTF just having a more objective feeling to the game unlike the regular Slayer gametype. However, both are very objective-based and are very fun! Slayer and CTF are the only two gametypes to have all 4 countries on the map. The only difference is that Germany/Gold Team is supported on the Slayer gametype and Germany/Orange Team is supported on the CTF gametype. Germany/Orange Team is to only be used in CTF because Germany/Gold Team was the first team to be created for Germany, and Germany/Orange Team spawns are only supported for CTF.


    Territories and Assault are the only two gametypes to support only 2 teams. They both are placed on the opposite sides of Forge World. Russia/Red Team is located inside the Coliseum and America/Blue Team is located on the Canyon/Hemorrhage. Each are heavily Objective-based and are great if you only want to play with just two teams.


    The Slayer version of CoR was the first gametype to be created. After, Territories was made for CoR, then CTF, and then Assault.


    How to play:


    CoR was mainly created for 4 teams in which each team would create alliances and adversaries. You would eventually try conquering all the countries to rise as the MAIN World Power before you get conquered—this is the main focus of the game. Of course you want your country to win! You don't want to lose! It's highly recommended you work together with your team, but going as a lone wolf and covert helps as long as your team knows. wink.png Have a plan, have a strategy, and have nice teamwork in order for your team/country to triumph over the others.


    Rules of CoR:

    • You can only make alliances in the Slayer and CTF gametypes.
    • A team can only be conquered once ALL the team members are inside the jail cell.
    • Countries may have a leader (and co-leader) at the decision of the game's party leader or the team itself.
    • One team can merge with an ally into their team if they all agree.
    • If a team needs help getting out of a jail cell one member may switch to the ally's team to tell them they need help, and THAT IS ALL. You can only receive help from an ALLY.
    • Once a member from another team comes up to your jail cell and says something like, "You are conquered. Switch now." you must switch to that designated team. You cannot switch to your ally's team because they did NOT defeat you and you did NOT agree for a merge.
    • Rocket 'Hogs may not be flipped out of their zones. They are meant to stay STATIONARY.
    • It doesn't matter if one team that conquered another didn't kill them. The only way for a team to be conquered is if another team visits the other team's jail cell to claim the power, regardless if that team claiming power killed them or not.
    • It is recommended that if a team is defeated by more than 1 of the other teams, that the teams that allied to take down the others split the members as evenly as possible.
    • Players must stay in game chat in order to listen to others and participate. It'll guarantee a GOOD game and deliver the BEST experience.
    • In the CTF gametype you can win by capturing all the teams or by scoring.
    • In the Territories gametype you can win by hitting the 1 hour cap with the highest score, or by capturing the other team.
    • In the Assault gametype you can win by capturing the other team or by scoring.
    • Players can send Xbox LIVE messages or say something in a Private Chat or Party at their own discretion and/or of that of the team/country leader. It is recommended that a message be sent as the host of the game may kick you at any time.

    Links for download:

    Some pictures:


    This is Germany (Gold/Orange Team). You can clearly see the jail cell to the right of the structure with the spawn points. You have to press these land mines in order to free the players that have died. Behind the "Spawn Structure" as I'll call it, is an armory. Every base has an armory.




    This is the U.S. base.




    This is the Russian base. Beware—the Russian base is highly fortified and has extraordinary defenses in place!




    Countries of Reach II: The Medieval Times has been created and is now on my File Share. However, I never had Bungie Pro so I could only fit 7 files in my File Share; therefore, the map for Countries II in only available. You'll have to play the gametypes in order to save them!


    Countries of Reach Anniversary will be the third installment to the Countries series. After Countries Anniversary, one last untitled Countries will be created before the release of Halo 4!


    As you'll progress through the Countries games, you'll see that my Forging abilities have improved tenfold. I'll be improving in my Forging abilities for Countries to bring greater success, improvements and fun into the game.

  7. Firefight makes Halo sound way more original than having it as "Spec Ops". With all that I just saw on that leak, I'll be keeping an open mind all the way. I'm not gonna judge anything too specifically until I see 343i truly deliver something to the table.


    Regardless, I do trust and have confidence in them.

  8. Global Dominators


    Est. November 2009.

    Based in North America; a Clan for the Global Society. [international]

    A Clan with a Casual Atmosphere and Hardcore Determination.




    Recruiting Status








    Member Count: 25

    Political System: Democratic Leadership

    Chat Options: Waypoint Forums, Facebook (coming soon), Website (coming soon)

    Head of State: President

    Head of Government: GD Council

    Commander-in-Chief: Supreme Commander

    De facto Leader: HomicidalWhales (Thel 'Vadam)

    Recruitment Process: Application, Interview, Trial Process

    Region: North America (primary); EU and Asia (secondary) [international]

    Gaming Style: We strive to provide a dynamic, entertaining, and active gaming experience that fits the preference of those from Casual to Hardcore.

    Also Accepting: Alliances

    Contact Us: PM HomicidalWhales or GD Account on Xbox Live, or PM Thel 'Vadam here on the website.


    Who We Want


    Team Players


    Motivated and Dedicated people

    People who know how to have fun

    Capable and Self-Sufficient Gamers

    Respectful, Polite and Mature individuals


    Who We Don't Want



    Drama Queens

    Lazy and Inactive people


    Elitists (In the "I am the best, you are inferior" definition)




    Our Vision and Goals


    Global Dominators is a clan that started on Bungie's Halo 3. Now, with 343i working more on Halo 4, and with the activity of other clans rising and being formed, I have decided to relaunch this clan formed from the roots of Halo with drafted activity policies and expectations for our members. We pride ourselves on having one of the most active and friendly clans in the gaming community and will be bringing this into Halo with us. Our goal has always been to put emphasis on the person before the player to create a tight-knit, supportive family of gamers from around the globe who genuinely care about their clan-mates. Here at Global Dominators we also feel that it is not what you achieve, but who you achieve it with that really counts in the end, and that fond memories with friendly people will have more of a lasting impact than being in a game first with a group of rude and selfish individuals.


    It is time that Global Dominators prepare ourselves in gaming and administration, and through personal interactions over our forums and other online services. With a functional and efficient ranking structure, government structure, helpful, skilled, and intelligent players, and an incredibly friendly and caring group of people from around the world, we are prepared to overcome every bump on the way to today, and will continue to surpass the future hurdles placed before us as a community.


    Our goals are to focus on personal and clan-wide progression into the games we play. Our community playdates and practices will be conducted on a scheduled-and-free-setup basis, too. We will, as a serious and fun gaming clan, be a large part of all events that take place in each game we play and aim to participate zealously in each games' multiplayer sessions.


    So if it has not yet been understood by the reader, let it be known that Global Dominators aims not only to dominate the gaming scene while excelling in personal and team goals, but to do all things with respect to one another and those we encounter along the journey. You can always expect a warm welcome from our members as we all move about in each of our gaming divisions.




    Leadership and Government


    The clan's leadership consists of the President of Global Domintators, HomicidalWhales, who gets the clan organized, and oversees activities in the clan. He helps make decisions, handles recruitment, and diplomacy, while presiding over meetings of the GD Council. The President is the head position, but is not in a dictator position, discussing decisions with the Vice President and the Council Members. Even clan members have a say in decisions due to the government structure being a Democratic Leadership, but in the end it is those of the GD government who have the final say. Rarely the President will make decisions alone, usually having a majority vote with the VP and Council. The government also does have the power to hold a Direct Democratic vote.


    The Vice President is the second-in-command. This position is the second highest rank in Global Dominators, and in case the President is indisposed, or busy at the time of an emergency, the Vice President can take temporary control of the clan for a short period of time. If the President leaves the clan or is removed from his position by means of the Council and/or clan members, the VP will take over until a new President can be decided. The VP does not automatically become the new President.


    The last five spots are for the Council Members. These positions act as leaders during clan meetings, multiplayer sessions, practices and playdates, and help the President and Vice President come to decisions on matters. They are the voice of the clan, and help out the many clan members that are the structure for the GD community.




    Foreign Affairs



  9. Hello, everyone!


    I usually go by Whales (my GT is HomicidalWhales), but those who have known me since 2009 call me by Martini. I was introduced to Halo before 2009, but I got Halo 3 in March of that year. Halo was the game that got me into machinima, too, and I hope I can start directing my own machinimas some day.


    The Forgotten Spartans is my favorite action machinima. Darknal is just an awesome director, and I hope I can make an action machinima just as good as his someday. I've been in countless machinimas, such as those from Combat Wombat92's and Matthew Lake's. I haven't made any major appearances in terms of body acting and voice acting, but at this moment I'm planning on it.


    I also do see machinima as a dying art. I remember Machinima.com back in the day being nothing but pure machinima—especially Halo machinimas; Halo machinimas was basically the foundation of machinima back in the day, then two very evil terms known as "gameplays" and "commentaries" came along during 2009 and filled Machinima.com with nothing but just that—and I'm thinking, "Isn't that what MachinimaRespawn was for?" Makes no sense, but that's why I don't go to Machinima.com anymore. You still find your pretty good machinimas, but very rarely.


    Halo is my most favorite video game. Besides that, the only other video game tying with Halo is Star Wars: The Old Republic. Not only am I obsessed with Halo, Star Wars and machinima, but anime such as Naruto and Pokémon. I also play the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG from time to time.


    I also write for The Star Wars Underworld, a Facebook page with over 7000 'likes', and I write about Star Wars: The Old Republic. If you play to game and are willing to make an alternative character, feel free to contact me. I'm always willing to make new characters on different servers and seeing how it is like throughout many servers.


    Well, that's pretty much it for now. I'm glad I joined these forums! <3

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