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Holiday N

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Posts posted by Holiday N

  1. The reason why people dont like it is because they are fans of halo and not COD,Battlefield,Crysis or any other FPS . Halo had its own gameplay that made people love it now it seems that people love halo becuz it has the name halo and not for its classic gameplay that we grew to love Halo has been up there with the top FPS without these features in the past didnt need them then doesn't need them now. I dont like to play any of the other big new FPS like Battlefeild and COD becuz they feel the same and now Halo tried to do the same and just doesnt feel like Halo to me like the other games did.

  2. Okay After some research I found after seeing another post about how Halo 4 is like cod let me clear some things up Correct me if i'm wrong


    Sprint was originally in super mario bros, Doom, and wolfenstein 3d


    Loadouts were originally in Diablo 1 (don't have much info on it)


    Iron sights were originally in Wolfenstein 3d and of course Doom


    GUNS were originally in IDK almost in every game before 2003!


    Thats what people were usually complaining about, if you have more informations tell me


    Now, after reading this, you can't keep comparing it to COD! since it wasn't the first game to have sprint, all you cod fanboys keep thinking that COD owns the rights to sprinting, loadouts ETC....


    Ok so let me get this straight now Super Mario bros is a First person shooter and Doom/ Wolfenstein have multiplayer now im still not seeing how these have any thing to do with the changes in Halo as a matter of fact if COD and battlefield didnt exist these features that you guys seem to love wouldnt have even been thought of because the games you listed were popular but just not as popular as the HALO series as a whole. COD was but thats understandable becuz its a Modern day shooter and people like the feel of being a modern day Rambo but Halo Has always had its own light without these feature and seeing them implemented in makes me feel like Halo is having a surgery it never needed

  3. i dont under

    I really enjoy where the game is going. They have brought in some new additions never used before in halo matchmaking, such as: Custom loadouts, armor and weapon skins, brand new ranking system, et cetera. People fail to see the positive side of all of these, and automatically come to the conclusion that 'halo is turning into cod, stop copying everything!'. This is untrue by all means. First off, cod is certainly not the only other game with these additions, so why compare to them, I do not know. Secondly, halo absolutely must change to grow. This is precisely what has kept halo alive the past 10 years: Changing and adding additions to the game, for a brand new feel and unique gaming experience, while still keeping the game, halo.



    I have 100% faith in 343 for keeping the halo series alive.



    PLEASE tell me what has changed in the past 10 years previously before reach the people on the forum who like the classic feel of halo feel that reach took ideas from other FPS and threw them in the game and slapped the name halo on it for the people who bought halo for its classic feel and not for its name we felt like it the transition we never wanted and didnt need. Reach has been out for 2 years and yet Halo 3 had more people on it its 2nd year because of its gameplay. Also COD, Battlefield, Gears of war, Reach all have sprint.(When previous Halo did not have or need them) COD and Battlefield(The two biggest FPS ) both have Perks and unlockable weapons which is now coming to H4s sandbox and why are they adding it to Halo ? Some say to keep it up to date or to change it so it wont get boring but in reality its to make sure those who have played those games and liked them will play Halo more and maybe like it more becuz it has these new additions thus increasing sales.

    Which is unneeded because Halo was ORIGINAL and never had or needed to take from any other game. yes its nice to have new additions to the gameplay but adding ideas that i found made the game easier and tiresome more than adding replay value to the game is where the stops becoming Halo for me and just a false label.

  4. I have read all of your guys comments and im still having a hard time understanding why people back up these terrible games but i think i have a clue you guys are all bad at skill based game. Let me start of by sayin call of duty is boring and recycled because its a game where as if i see you first and i dont miss my shots you are dead. Which in turn promotes things like camping . Halo at a competitive level didnt have this problem because its a game of me hitting my shots better than you rather than me seeing you first. REACH imo killed the competitve vibe i had when playing H3 when bloom was out i could hit my shots perfectly and not get the kill and yes i understand this was because i didnt time my shot or crouch(Who even couches) but you need to understand that they made the game like that so the gameplay would be slower for less skilled people. so in the time it would take me to out br a kid in H3 in reach i would still be tryin to get that last shot on him in turn giving his teammate the opportunity to help clean me up promoting more team work and more standoff battes rather than fast-paced duels between one persons br vs anothers and thats why i dont like reach

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