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My BR iZ RusTyy

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Posts posted by My BR iZ RusTyy

  1. I'll write a thesis on it later and hopefully once you've read all 8000 pages of it you will no longer have your own opinion on the game but will instead share mine. Then I will have you kill off the Jedis and together we will start an Empire which will be defeated decades later by teddy bears in the woods.


    If I write something more persuasive or conclusive will that enable you to get more out of the game? Fraggy Muffin is right.....I immediately started having less phone at precisely the moment you chimed in.


    Did you like the song?


    phone is Swedish for 'would you like to come to my pyjama party next Wednesday'


    Or I over heard the word phone and wrote it instead of fun.


    Awesome, I look forward to the 8000 page thesis and killing the jedi's, teddies can go **** themselves if they think they can take over our empire


    My view of H4 will certainly be much different if you can convince me that its squishy and cuddly. You carry on having phone, perhaps singing your amazing song will lift your spirits from my god awful post before.

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  2. talk about draining the fun out of everything, hes giving his opinion not writing a university dissertation not every opinion has to explain themselves in detail


    Well forums are for discussing, He posted his opinion and I would like to understand why he feels the way he does, I'm not asking anyone to write an essay and noone has to back up their opinion if they don't want to.

    I'm just interested to read where he's coming from....


    Don't really understand your first point, just because I questioned his reasoning (or rather lack of) means I've drained the fun out of everything?, everything in this thread? everything in life? everything in Halo? What do you mean...

  3. Woohoo another intellectual post, look if your going to say you think something is good or bad or works then give your opinions some depth, back it up with reason and logic.


    You say its better because its "slicker, faster" why is that a good thing in your opinion (not necessarily saying it isn't). "squishier, cuddlier" Uhmm ok, so are games now based on how squishy and cuddly they are?


    "everything just works" Is your opinion, but again you didn't state why you think this, and why other peoples concerns about the game aren't justified.

  4. They're obviously elements of CoD in H4, its down to personnel opinion as to whether or not you feel H4 plays like CoD, it cannot be a fact that it does or doesn't as the two games are obviously different and at the same time obviously share some elements.


    Personally I feel that 343i looked at CoD and sore how successful it is and made the decision to put elements that make CoD what it is would be a good idea on a purely business level.

    Simple really, look at other games, take what makes them popular, implement them into your own game = mass success


    However you don't have to do that, H3 was massively successful and was unlike any other game, seems to me that 343i took the easy root of copying elements of other successful games instead of evolving H3.

  5. I see it as almost pointless.


    Yes your teammate can save you sometimes but I haven't seen that happen very often, and I agree your shield should regenerate as normal.


    Its a perk which relies on the help of your teammates to be effective and lets be honest, teammates aren't always helpful.


    I prefer to have a perk that I can rely on.

  6. Hey guys


    My thoughts on match-making.



    1) MM is generally REALLY good fun! I'm only SR25 but I'm enjoying the game alot, I like getting multi-kills, playing objective type games and winning 1v1 battles


    2) Fast paced games and short waiting times to find a match


    3) No armour lock


    4) sniping seems easier than H3 (might just be me, but seems easier to no scope and get headshots)



    1) Joining in progress, I mentioned this before the game came out, its a horrible concept for competitive gaming, very few people quit when they're winning so if you join a in-progress game then almost all of the time you'll be on the losing team.

    I've also noticed that If me and my team are losing and we gain a new team mate we hardly ever come back to win the game so its not like gaining a new team mate even helps that much... I feel the cons out weigh the small pro in this case.

    It may be ok for social games but not for competitive gameplay.


    2) Ordinance drops, not acceptable for competitive gameplay either, sometimes you might get a scattergun and other times you might get a beam rifle... having that element of random-ness feels cheap.


    3)Small gripe, after sprinting it takes too long to aim down your gun, just an annoyance really.


    4)I started off with the BR but soon learnt that the DMR is far superior, what's the point in having choice if one weapon is always best.


    5)Playlists, Yep I know 343i will be releasing more playlists in the near future, but seriously? no team doubles off the bat? TD was one of my favourite playlists in H3, I miss it.


    6)Again something that is probably going to be fixed soon, there seems to me to be a very small amount of maps and I'm not overly impressed with most of them, there doesn't seem to be any maps that are incredible like Guardian or The pit from H3.

    Also in BTB everyone votes for the Valhalla remake (forgot its name)....literally EVERY time, I appreciate its a good map but FFS I want to play on a different map once in awhile....


    7) Obviously I know that a ranking system will be implemented soon enough so my last point can be overlooked, really looking forward to that though.



    EDIT: Just one last point, Killcams, I like the idea but whether its due to the connection or something else the killcams seem horribly inaccurate, when I get killed by someone and watch the killcam I'm like "WTF he didn't even hit me!" but I bet on his screen he hit me :(


    As you can tell my list of Cons is much larger than my list of Pros, but that's not to say I don't enjoy the game, I do, I just wish it was better.


    Thanks for reading, feel free to post your opinions on MM or what I've said.



  7. Hey guys and girls, my apologies for another thread about Halo 4's ranking system, however I'm still alittle confused about the details.


    So far, as I understand it there is a progression system which is XP based, so you earn XP for, well almost anything and the XP points go towards unlocking loadout items, weapons, armour abilities, armour, and some other stuff.


    There will also be a ranking system working its magic in the background, pitting you against players of roughly equal skill, you will also get a visible rank, only visible to yourself and your friends, peachy!


    Now here comes the confusion, is there a separate system that determines your rank, or is it based off the XP you earn as part of the progression system?


    Also can you rank down, I.E: earn negative XP?



    Thanks for reading.


    EDIT: Just read this: http://www.capsulecomputers.com.au/2012/11/halo-4-skill-rank-announcement/


    So from the start Halo 4's ranking system will take into consideration your performance to give even matches, but your rank won't be visible on waypoint until an update in early 2013?

  8. You unlock weapons at a stead rate, but you have to purchase them with points. So You and I could both unlokc the DMR at the same time, but I choose to wait for the Carbine...so it comes down to what youre own preferences are.

    Armor abilities have been scaled down far more than Reach and the maps were built with them in mind this time around.

    Frankie chose to wait on releasiing that info because 343i knows the majority of the community wants the 1-50 system or some type of ranked system...why not save the best info for last?

    Correct, weapon drops are dynamic to an extent. The Placements of where weapons drop are set, BUT the weapons that drop their drop at random times, and are random weapons from a pre-set list of wepaons. Example: One weapon drop may contain a sniper 33%, Shotgun 33%, Rocket Launcher 33% and Binary Rifle 1%...so those weapons only drop within their percentages, while another weapon drop may contain a sniper 20%, Rocket Launcher 30%, Shotgun 30%, Needler 20%. Hope this helps.

    Ordinance drops contain 1 grenade type (frag or plasma or pulse), 1 powerup (overshield, or movement, or damage boost), and 1 power weapon (needler or sniper, or shotgun etc.) The contents of the ordinance drop changes depending on the map size, and gametype, but there will always be 1 grenade, 1 powerup, and 1 power weapon. Now when i drops you have the option to choose 1 of the 3 to use, you can not take all 3 options.

    Ok I see what you are saying about the weapons and how players decide what they want to buy, but say player "A" has only earned 100 SP (credits) and so cannot buy the BR but player "B" has enough credits and so buys the BR, can these two players be pitched against each other? Sorry for my ignorance.


    Well we can interpret the fact that Frankie has chosen to wait so long to release the ranking system info in different ways, you interpret it as he is saving the best news until last, I interpret it as he is trying to get as many people as possible to pre-order the game. Maybe I'm being too negative, but lets face it 343i are a business and as such need to make money.


    Ok I now understand the weapon drops (Thanks for explaining), the ordinance drops seem awful to me, like I mentioned before I really dislike the idea of being handed a power weapon (even if everyone can get one), I want to earn it, lets be honest you'd have to be terrible at the game to not get 5 kills.

  9. Point is, the competitive community needs to quit acting like they are the only ones who are going to play the game.


    The competitive community needs to get over itself, the point of being competitive used to be working with a game you wanted to be competitive in, not have a game structured around being competitive. You have all become too high-maintenance.


    If people leave because it's not structured around them, then fine. One part of the community can't come in and expect to have say-so over another part. The system supposedly have both, so what, it won't be "pure-skill" but it will have skill involved. If that ain't enough then cancel your pre-order because the progression system is already in the game, don't come in here acting like you can demand a pure-skill system, cuz the developers aren't gonna jump and run just for the competitive community.


    I'm tired of seeing it needs to have it, because most of the people who post that only have like 5 posts on this forum, the people who comment on it, largely don't care, like me. I am a true Halo fan, because I love the series itself, and won't hate it over little technicalities. I will play and enjoy Halo, while the competitive community will cry over something as simple as not getting their way.


    And as for the statement saying that losing the competitive community is too much, there are way more true Halo fans that will play the game than people who claim to be true Halo fans, but are truly only on the bandwagon. The competitive ones who left weren't fans, they were only in it as long as it suited them.


    I personally haven't read of anyone saying that there is only a competitive community or that only what the competitive community wants is important, just that there was a large competitive community in Halo 2/3 because people generally enjoyed the ranking system.


    There is no good reason why 343i cannot have a social and competitive aspect of match-making so its not like the game has to be tailored towards one group of players only.


    Obviously Halo 4 will be successful and sell well even if it doesn't have a competitive ranking system, plenty of people still buy call of duty games for example. but the competitive community is a large community and so it would seem foolish of 343i to negate the desires of a large portion of their market.


    As for your last point, are you saying that anyone that considers themselves a true halo fan cannot also consider themselves a competitive player (or vice versa)?

    If so that is simply not true, people are fans of a game because of how it plays and the enjoyment they gain from playing it... if the game changes drastically and they don't enjoy it as much they may not be a fan anymore. My point is that just because it says Halo 4 on the box doesn't mean fans of the the previous halo games should just automatically like it.

    • Like 1
  10. Weapons are balanced as hell. This helps give more customization to the game. Invalid argument.

    The Armor Abilities are also balanced as hell. No hovering with a sniper anymore, and no blocking explosions. The argument you presented is invalid.

    Frankie said they were holding back the ranking system for now. After the progression system was revealed.

    Random weapon drops and ordnance drops must have gotten you confused. See, the random drops are usually away from players and drop power weapons, etc. Ordnance drops (Only in infinity gametypes) are acquired when you get five kills. Whether you die or not, you still get it. These features are not in regular slayer playlists.


    Note that when I say invalid argument, I don't mean you are wrong and ignorant, I mean the argument you presented is solved by current knowledge.

    If you have more concerns, feel free to ask here or by PM. I am not affiliated with 343i, but I know all legal knowledge there is to know of Halo 4 at this moment.


    I never said the weapons seem unbalanced, what I was implying was that if matchmaking is such that player "A" hasn't earned as good a weapon as player "B" then player "B" will have an advantage, same applies with anything you can specify in a loadout. Though this concern may be moot when more information comes forward about exactly how players are pitched against each other.


    Well I think we will have to disagree about Armour abilities, I feel they mess with map and weapon control far too much.


    More of a rhetorical question, but why would Frankie hold back such crucial information about Halo 4?


    Ah ok, sorry I'm not as clued up as I could be on Halo 4, so Random weapon drops aren't actually random? The location of weapon drops are dynamically calculated based on players location(s)


    So what is contained in an ordinance drop then?


    Thanks for your input matey


    If you want a game with no Armor Abilities, no specializations, no loadouts and no random weapon spawns why not just play Halo 3?


    I want new features and new gameplay for a new game.


    Not saying I'm fully against all of the proposed changes and I do feel that games have to "evolve" to keep people interested and to solve problems in previous games, I am simply "voicing" my concerns, this is a forum for discussion, correct?


    I would love to still be playing Halo 3 but not enough people play it anymore for it to be enjoyable for me.

  11. Hello fellow Halo fans, I would just like to express a few elements that have been brought forward in other threads as I have some thoughts about them, hopefully 343 read and react to these "issues" as I see them though I wouldn't expect them to completely rewrite the game but perhaps make a compromise?


    Anyway, here we go.


    Loadouts, not a big deal but makes the game unbalanced somewhat, players in <H3 were all the same, no advantages or disadvantages. Though this may not be an issue depending on how you earn weapons and the ranking system(s) involved.


    Random weapon drops/locations, gives an advantage to the team controlling the majority of known weapon locations if they can be known. A big part of social and competitive play is controlling the map with power weapons, Having a better weapon just land in your lap just seems boring to me, where is the excitement and satisfaction in that?

    I want to feel that I've been playing towards weapon control and that I have had a positive influence in the outcome of the game because of my tactics, not because of a random weapon spawn.


    Progressive ranking system, If you can earn xp from using forge, completing challenges, losing a game, being bad but still winning a game ETC... then Halo 4 will not be competitive, though I have read that there may well be a more competitive (perhaps Trueskill) based system aswell (please provide evidence for this if you have any, thank you).


    Ok so lets just say a progressive ranking system detours boosters and derankers because there isn't any motivation for doing such things, that seems like a really lazy way of "solving" the issue. All that is doing is removing what is positive about a trueskill based system so no-one will want to boost... why not improve the reporting system instead.


    Armour abilities, Ok so I understand Halo has to evolve and develope but seriously? jetpacks, riot-like shields, ETC... Some may argue they are fun to use which would be fine in a social playlist, however a competitive game has to be balanced IMO, Armour abilities just don't allow for this.



    I'd like to define a word, "fun". Some may define this as sticking someone with a plasma nade or just running around with a shotgun racking up the kills which is all good. Fun for me in H2/3 was trying to reach the next level and the satisfaction when I did, it was beating a level 50 and leveling up because of it.


    I love the argument I've read a few times on this forum that having fun with your mates and enjoying the game is more fun (or important) than ranking up, like as if to say the two idea's cannot co-exist, of course you can have fun with your mates, communicate and enjoy the game and rank up at the same time, infact many players do play with their mates when ranking up.


    I do not see a good case against having social and competitive playlists.


    Please comment! I would like to read other peoples views on the matters I have presented.


    Thanks for reading :thumbsup:

  12. While you're free to your opinion, I personally think it's downright silly to dismiss the game just because it doesn't have a certain ranking system. I don't care what kind of system they use, I care more about the campaign's story, music, and atmopshere, as well as the gameplay more so than a ranking system. It doesn't really bother me that much that they're not using a 1 - 50 system, because I honestly couldn't care less about something like that. I just want to enjoy the gameplay and have fun playing against others. That's all that matters to me when it comes to matchmaking.


    Don't you think you should at least give the game a fair and honest chance before writing it off like that? Sure they're not going with a ranking system you like, but is the ranking system really more important to you than the campaign and actual multiplayer/gameplay?


    I think people play games for different reasons, I personally don't really care too much about the campaign or music, I play Halo for the competitive multi player, so the lose of a ranking system that promotes competition is a big deal (atleast to me).

  13. i never said we all wanted it back i mean at some time we did want it maybe its just everyone i know who wants it your right not everyone prob wanted it. but its going to work in halo 4 one because when getting shot at your sprint slows down so you cant run away from a fight all its going to to do is speed up the game play and help get players from point A to point B quicker.


    Yeah I agree I think it will be a good thing in H4, atleast better implemented than it was in Reach.

  14. i think bringing something new to halo will be refreshing sprint has been asked for since halo 2 (dont lie we all wanted it back then) and making your own loadout could work if the balance is right if weapons bleed over each other a little and if the maps are created with all this in mind. as long as i have no bloom BR halo 3 jump hight and no health ill be happy.


    I've seriously never asked for sprint in Halo, its a huge generalization to say that "we all wanted it back" and its also incorrect. Loadouts could work providing all the weapons you can choose from have a strength and weakness, otherwise everyone would just choose the strongest weapon, I agree about the no health.

  15. This thread still won't change the fact that people will look the other way and complain about the change. Those who keep saying it's like COD can go burn in a fire, arrogance is not needed but people won't stop because they want the pointless attention.

    I don't see a problem with people "complaining" about the changes providing they give reasons why .


    "Those who keep saying it's like COD can go burn in a fire" ... Really? bit immature don't you think.

  16. haha i wasnt really talking directly to you as i think you figured out sorry for the confution. i just feel that lots of FPS games are doing stuff like this and cod wasnt really the first so why cant halo do a fue of these things it would if anything be like cod if they didnt. the biggest problem with cod is how static it is so by anyone saying i want it to stay the same or static and less like cod is wrong if it stays static its more like cod then it ever could be with these changes. halo has always had change why cant this one. one mediocre game and we need to be affraid of any evolution? but im rambleing again. also armor abilitys like jetpack may not allow you to fly as high lets say double your jump hight and thats it hologram will work fine camo could work if done right and forrunner vision is like a sonar short range and everyone can here you use it they dont have to be just like reaches. and yes it is my right to have an opinion as is it yours it is also everyones right to tell the other that there wrong if they believe so. it wouldnt be a democracy if we couldnt. DragonMonday is just expressing his as am i thats are right.


    I think there may be two arguments regarding CoD


    1) H4 may contain features that are similar to CoD (depends on who you ask as to whether that's a good or bad thing)


    2) If H4 doesn't change then some people are saying H4 could become like CoD in the sense that CoD doesnt really change much (same engine for like 5 years)


    I feel that a game should evolve which does include changes, but only small changes like we have seen in the past (new weapons, pick ups like power drain, bubble shield ETC...) my gripe is that H4's changes will alter the core gameplay completely, it may look like Halo but will it play like the game I've enjoyed since CE? I guess I'll have to wait for release to find that out.


    Oh and no-one seems to care that the timeline is being completely ignored... FML

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