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James S005

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Posts posted by James S005

  1. What do i want..... well..... then fun of just playing halo, something totally unexpected, Cortana doesent go into rampancy ( PLEASE!), allot bigger maps for multiplayer such as,( space battles, navy boat battles), Special Ops missions, One playlist that is suited for a whole **** load of people like 50 Vs 50 TDM, CTF, Assault, and other cool games. The beam rifle and my woink woink gun ( Carbine lol), other Spartans to help you at some point like in halo reach but not all the time( i like talking to Cortana lol). Maps such as Last Resort, blood gulch, Valhalla and other classics. Get master chief out of his disciplined self and make him more human instead of all armor. Also vehicles such as the elephant( what can i say, on sand trap when everyone was fighting i would ride around in it lol) cobra, wolverine, hawks, the vulture except you can go in the seats in the vehicle, passenger warthog and you can go in the back. some kind of covenant warthog. a covenant aircraft like a vulture. ALSO, I THINK I SPEAK FOR EVERYONE WHEN I SAY BRING BACK MY MONGOOSE!!!! The jet pack and sprint back but no armor abilities. Even better armor customization for the Spartans and the elites. Unlimited money for forge. A whole new forge world for space, underground, and land, and oceans. Also the ability to actually make navy ships for the water and the sky that can move and operate. Some silenced weapons FOR CAMPAIGN ONLY. Changing the weather for the new forge world. Dont make load outs that are way too close to COD. Firefight voices were cool id like to see them come back. A kind of game play for multiplayer in which you drop down from drop pods and use stealth to complete specific missions, and some game type that has only one life per person and have to do an objective like search and destroy. Forge Should have the ability to make scarabs and elephant. A LONG CAMPAIGN. Alternating story lines like with the arbiter and the master chief in halo 2. A beta like in halo reach. Ability to akimbo guns. Bring back the SMG's. For forge add AI players. I think i mentioned this b4 but no armor abilities in campaign, only for forge. Diversity of sexes in campaign and multiplayer. Also allot of Easter eggs. Some multiplayer assassinations for multiplayer. Also why does your spartan model in Reach only hold a DMR?, If there are credits in Halo 4 you could maybe "buy" a new weapon for your spartan model too just simply hold. Plus the following sentence i just wrote was a quote. Also i know this doesent tie into halo 4 but MAKE SURE YOU SUPPORT A HALO WARS 2, i cant tell you how much fun that game is( no wonder its the best selling RTS for Xbox. Pelicans should be in multiplayer too. A door for forge in which you can open a door with a click of a button. Also phantoms should be in forge and multiplayer

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