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Posts posted by haloaddict69

  1. 343 I am an individual fan and this probably means nothing to you. Please bring back a ranking system where I can brag to my friends. I loved Halo 1-3. Precisely because of their competitive aspects. When reach came out I played it for a month or two before moving back to 3. I still have not gotten a 50 in halo 3 but I love trying because it feels like it actually means something. Whenever I see someone with lots of credits on Reach i think, wow, that kid plays a lot of halo.


    Will people sell accounts? Maybe but that doesn't hurt anyone. Sure its annoying but who cares if some ******* can get a new account and get a 50, because if they didn't earn it they will lose it.


    I am so in love with the halo series. Reach was like a cheating girlfriend. But if you guys bring back a game with a good ranking system I will be loyal to 343 forever.


    Also competitive rating systems solve weapon power discrepancies, if you weight weapons in a way that is strange the good players will figure out the best way to use those weapons and thus solve the problem.


    This was super stream of consciousness, but seriously make a ranking system where I can feel good about my rank, and I will dedicate all my time to your game.


    Good luck fellahs can't wait for 4,



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