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Stealth Pilot

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Posts posted by Stealth Pilot

  1. When I read these posts, I become counter-productive... I play the "How old is this nubcake" game. I am going to say 11....


    Seriously...You average 30 kills with a sniper rifle, which isn't too hard if you get 3 two for ones with an aimbot and ammo coming out your butt.


    You are very lucky you posted this here and not the actual site...you would get chewed up and spit out like cow cud.

    • Like 1
  2. 1.(with grav hammer) turn them around, kick them to the ground.


    As they attempt to crab walk away step up and two hand them in the face with the sharp side of the hammer.


    Pick up the hammer with corpse attached and fling it off.




    Takes a while, but would be epic.


    2. (with grav hammer) Turn them around, wind up, and uppercut them into the sky Team Rocket style.


    3. (with needler) flip around the gun, stab them in the back with all the needles, pull it out with them exploding a second later.


    4. (with sniper rifle) tap them on the shoulder, as they turn around spin in a circle, holding the barrel, and crush their head in.


    5. (magnum) buckles their knees, bullet to the back of the head mercenary style.

  3. Incase none of you knew...CoD copied all of their gameplay asthetics from other games. They took sprint, loadouts, and multiple gametypes from the original Battlefield, and perks from Star Wars : Battlefront. Not to forget the Theater/File Share from Halo, along with the two weapon system.


    But in all honesty it doesn't matter. Back in the day no one cared about which game took what idea. Every game benefited the shooter genre as a whole.


    Halo isn't even really stealing the loadout system from anyone in particular. Almost every other game has it. So what if it is new. Go play Halo 4 and tell me it is not a Halo game.

  4. Well guys I finally hit 500 posts. It took me long enough, and it isn't that special compared to my Bro's 3000something...but the reason would most likely be I read more than write.


    I will keep this short and sweet. I just wanted to say thanks for providing such an awesome site and having a friendly environment. Shoutouts to Twam, AbsoluteDog, DoctorB, Lil' Dog, Choot 'em, Adam, and that one Australian Mudkip....If I didn't list you do not threat... I am just lazy.


    Maybe I will hit 1000 by time Halo 5 comes out.


    I won't miss being purple.

    • Like 4
  5. If its the Mk. VI armor, that might be the only reason for me to pay attention to this.


    Mark VI is gained by completing the campaign on legendary. It was in a post on waypoint.


    Is there anything that stands out on that longitude?

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