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baby of justice

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Posts posted by baby of justice

  1. I think being forced to play this TU **** is a load of ******* crap! what they should of done is made 'Title Update' a separate playlist... not just force these changes down our throat. Yes, maybe a large amount of people wanted changes but there is also a good sized group that didn't! I am one of them... i love halo i have played halo since halo 1 and this new TU is the saddest thing i have seen done to the game. Not just because i don't enjoy playing it but because i am forced to play it in my favorite game types like multi team, squad slayer, and rumble pit. Let us be able to play both!! They are on the right track with this new super slayer but if you look the old slayer is more popular... hint hint. I think they should just make 2 Competitive playlist sections 1(TU Competitive) & 2(Competitive) that way everyone wins. If something is not done and TU takes over a lot of people are going to stop playing Reach and i bet a good number already has. I really hope 343 comes to there senses because a large group of us are tired of TU. It just made the game to easy. REACH NEED TO BE SAVED



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