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MwK Shield

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Posts posted by MwK Shield

  1. How would I talk to them directly? Where did you hear that the army uses DMR and the Navy BR? I don't think thats how it is. I've played Halo ever since it came out 10 years ago and I had the most fun playing Halo 1 and 2, Reach completely got away from Halo with the DMR and the stupid jetpacks, sprint, armor lock, ect.

  2. I can't stand the DMR in Halo Reach thats why I never played it until they came out with the Aniversery maps where they have a playlist where there were the Halo 1 pistols. It wouldn't make sense anyway for there to be DMR's in Reach and then from Halo 1-3 it be Pistols and BRs. I also don't really want a new gun either, why try and fix something or make it better when there is nothing wrong with it.

  3. I hope there is a ranking system, this stupid system they have now is terrible. I just played a 4v4 Slayer game with a Recruit, Sergeant G1, and a Sergeant G2 on my team against a Corporal, Sergeant G2, Field Marshall, and a Colonel G1. When I'm a Commander G3. That doesn't make any sense, I don't want to be matched up randomly like that. I liked in Halo 2 and 3 where there was a social and then a ranked where there were level's 1-50 . It would be cool to keep this system as an overall rank but not like it is now, it really sucks.

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