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Posts posted by HeroicMime

  1. I agree, these days players throw grenades before they even pop off any shots. And with Reach's jump height and slowed movement speed (not counting AAs), grenades are harder to avoid than ever. It took me a while to break out of the habit of jump crouching when someone tossed a grenade at me that I picked up in Halo 3. And it's annoying when your team tosses grenades instead of shooting, and ends up getting a bunch of betrayals. It's even more annoying when the entire opposing team doesn't even press right trigger. Most of the Slayer playlists are bothersome just for this reason alone. And btw, it's 50 times worse when there are grenade challenges.


    That's probably the worst part, when your teammate sees you in a gunfight and instead of helping shoot, they throw a nade in and get you and the other guy killed, then it counts as your opponent's kill so you can't boot the idiot. I understand that throwing a grenade first can be advantageous, but when both teams are doing it, and no one is shooting at all (I've had games where people run from me after seeing that both their nades didn't kill me), the game just gets silly and unfun. Trust me, it's about ten times harder to try to sprint out of the blast radius when like 8 different ones are being blasted around by one another. I just don't even play on days with grenade challenges, lol.

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  2. Dear God, I stopped playing this for a week and I come back to an even bigger grenade spamfest than ever before. Every game I play, someone sees me and unloads all their grenades at me, and my teammates do the same, getting me and each other killed because they can't be bothered to SHOOT the damn targets. It's like using your gun is considered obsolete now or something. This combined with the general OP-ness of Reach 'nades makes for incredibly unfun games where everything's going boom and the screen is shaking. What's a player of a first person SHOOTER to do?

  3. Does a topic count as defunct if the TC has been made an unperson? Anyway I've gotta agree with RedStarRocket91. Reach's scoreboard still gets the job done the way it is. Not saying H4 should have the same one, or that Reach's is the best, but I feel like too many bells and whistles might distract some players and they'd whine like it's the dev team's fault that their eyes are glued to the overly detailed scoreboard.

  4. It would be nice if there was a limit to how many times he could announce things like stuff about the flag within a certain amount of time, like if some jerk were picking it up and dropping it repeatedly, the message would play like twice, and stop doing so until the guy's managed to get a steady hand on the objective.

  5. It really depends for me. For Reach, 85 Bloom feels good, and 100 makes me want to choke a Grunt. I hardly play ZB, but the few times I do, I feel like it would be better if the movement speed were higher, since everybody's shots go exactly where they aim, a lot of the ZB games I've been in are like, if you're seen first you have an incredibly low chance of winning, but I chalk that up to Reach's slower movement speeds and whatnot. Testing the weapons in H3 was interesting, because I never noticed how extreme the bullet magnetism was on a lot of weapons, like Sunday mentioned, the spiker and AR.



    Anyway, Dealbreaker for me? Bad campaign and unfun multiplayer. Also, a lack of incentive for staying in games. Quitters make me want to choke something. -_-


    I mean, I'd buy it either way, but if the campaign were anything as boring as the one for Reach, or - god forbid - even worse, I probably won't get too much mileage out of this one.

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