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Kodman Eats

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Status Updates posted by Kodman Eats

  1. Can i be the Gamer of the week? (@YouTube http://t.co/ZDQEfg2C)

  2. This video makes me want to fight in the US Military and destroy terrorists. (@YouTube http://t.co/t6PZEg7W)

  3. I want Promethean Vision out! (@YouTube http://t.co/e5y03glg)

  4. can i be the gamer of the week (@YouTube http://t.co/ZDQEfg2C)

  5. MattyBRaps will become the best rapper when he gets older. (@YouTube http://t.co/cSvDqFx1)

    1. Sierra1117


      I listened to him a couple weeks ago. I wanted to kill myself :(

  6. Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccck Bubblegum!:) (@YouTube http://t.co/R8GUW0W6)

  7. That was a great story line i hope you make more machinma's soon! (@YouTube http://t.co/EK4bqbgj)

  8. I say i was going to win in singles for Halo Reach then i had to go somewhere why god why!

  9. i play halo forever

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