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Posts posted by ArkadianRedneck

  1. and the clan v. clan matches are more a show of your clans overall skill. We (the Arkadians) are rather respectful during these matches. Sadly many of our opposition are not. Its rather sad that trash talk is so ramped in online play, and it gets old rather quick. Clan matches are supposed to be a duel to see which clan trains and teaches their members better, especially teamwork. Sadly this is often overlooked.

  2. the way i have always looked at it if you dont want to get killed by a rocket dont let the other team have it. Yes i understand that that may not always been possible but still the fact remains the same: if rockets are there they are gonna be used and your team better be getting a hold of them so you don't get rocketed.

    Do I respect the morals you have for competitive gameplay, yes. But there is nothing wrong with using what is available to win. Be resourceful is alot more impressive then being honorable, in my opinion.

  3. But that would be like CoD's Elite. Not saying that I think Halo is copying CoD, but it would fuel the people that do think that.

    But that would be like CoD's Elite. Not saying that I think Halo is copying CoD, but it would fuel the people that do think that.


    True but didnt h2 have clans written into the game code?

  4. we lost an 8v8 to Ancr's guys (2-1-1 in 4 games) before the big split in our clan, never 4v4'ed an elite clan they always turn us down. Ive personally head all but one battle against elites, and the other i was a member of the battle, they were all 8v8's, (execpt one 3v3 scrim that was for sh1ts and gigs, no record counted). Id like the tags of the soverign guard though. Yours as well there Fal.

  5. hey im glad to see that you gave up the elite bs for this clan....and i hear ya on why you left all those clans. Every elite ive ran into on xbl has either been arrogant d-bag with no skill or a major d-bag who uses modded maps to gain the advantage. A shoutout to the F'al bootwhipe from the other post, no skill is required to man a warthog...me us on 4v4 no vehicle maps and we'll show you how to get sh1t done on xbox. and to Ancr Gobroee (or how ever you spell that f'ed name) 1v1 me *****.


    quick question: is the long patrol reg. a reference to the redwall books?

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