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Posts posted by MARCHAND

  1. I've been a fan of halo for a very long time I burnt up my first halo demo waiting on Halo:CE to come out it was a huge impact on my life and the industry itself so i guess i want halo 4 to bring that big impact back to the gaming industry, and to the fans since halo 3 we've been honored with a few good story lines such as Halo 3:ODST, Halo:wars and REACH. I want the stressful feeling that the fate of the world is resting on my shoulders, but also that confidence that I'm Master Chief I've been in this situation before and will do anything to get the job done.....I want more interaction with troopers and the Chief having him stand out as a leader ,but not straying to far from the one man army feeling lets be honest with cortona by the Chief's side nothing can stand in their way [Cortona (can opener) Master Chief (can o' whoop ass) haha] also i want to feel that connection between the two again the sarcasm, humor, and dependency on one another. And to top it off make sure to bring back the main characters and maybe introduce a couple new ones....i could go on and on on small details but to sum it up i a standard classic look to the chief in the campaign a few visual upgrades will spice things up enough but as far as armor wise just leave the master chief look please and possibly just a spartan we can level and customize for multiplayer I've got plenty of ideas for multi-player but i wont get into it i would much rather talk about the campaign....343 this is a challenge to you and the team blow me out and the rest of the world out of the water exceed expectations and prove u can do what Bungie has done and then some I'll be playing Halo:CEA until i get my hands on halo 4 thanks for recreating my favorite childhood game and putting some icing on it.

  2. Master Chief has been locked away for years it has eaten at my soul that his story came to a hault for so long. It's kinda depressing in a way lol...But alas 343 has brought back new hope for me and all halo fans across the world! This is just as big as playing the Halo: Combat Evolved demo for the first time I want to thank everyone at 343 and anyone else that may worked toward remaking Halo: CE I get chills running back through the levels I constantly replayed as a kid (kinda jogging lol working it through on legendary) the graphics and the option to interchange to the classic view and music is great! Kudos to you guys for throwing in 3D i dont have a 3D tv right now but i promise to have one by Halo 4! SO 343i HERE IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION WE NEED A 'MASSIVE' TASTE OF HALO 3 BRING YOUR BATTLE RIFLES NOOBS THATS A CHALLENGE! AND LET ME BE THE FIRST TO SAY I CAN'T WAIT TO KICK SOME MORE EXTRATERRESTRIAL ASS HOOAAH S-117 WE'LL END THIS FIGHT SOON ENOUGH!

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